Brilliant, vivacious, fearless conservative women are a turn-on, and there are plenty of them out there. Think small business, think church, don’t think campus.

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Maybe if you're really into weird sadomasochism. For normal men who aren't sexual perverts, we prefer feminine women.

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So they can't be educated?

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Can, should, and willy-nilly shall! (But there is much more in heaven and earth ...)

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The conservative, intelligent, accomplished (non-bigoted/non-weirdo MAGA) men I know are all business owners and it is the same with conservative women. In general, if a woman is brave and organized enough to put out a shingle, she is also smart, highly aware of how she spends her time in order to make money and how valuable that time is. She is also very aware of her image.

It is professional suicide in certain areas to express any conservative tendencies, so a conservative professional woman will probably keep her politics close to her Eternal Feminine chest.

Better advice would be to find women with whom you have a connection and who can admit that they have an interest in having a family. Women tend to change once they have children. I know I did.

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As married man with kids, it's interesting to watch the Right totally buy into the "Man up and marry those sluts" strategy that was old and stale years ago.

There are some good women out there. But when the author signals against the "debt free virgins without tattoos," it tells us more about her loyalties than about any useful strategy.

Guys, you're better off reading old Heartiste or Rollo Tomassi.

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Mar 24, 2021
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No. Men just have to look elsewhere. Not every country's women are worthless prostitutes like American females are.

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There are high quality women. Just not in the USA. American females, including the author of this piece, are 100% irredeemable trash. The easiest solution is to only court foreign women. Just leave American females in the dumpster where they belong.

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Why is the author of this piece irredeemable trash?

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The call to action at the end of Ms. Roy's essay amounts to what commenter Adam (Mar 4, 2021) described as, "Man up and marry those sluts".

Hope this helps.

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How interesting that this author thinks women's minds are made up by culture, as if they have no mind of their own, yet conservative men are conservative by nature. Who then actually wrote this article? Couldn't have been Helen. Must have been her man. Her naivete is tragic. As a 53-year old woman who's been married, divorced, single again for 14 years until meeting my guy, I can tell you if men follow this advice, they are doomed to a lonely life. Patriarchy has done enough damage. No need to perpetuate it.

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Meeting a "guy" at 53 is pathetic. What is the point? You can't have children anymore. And the "guy" who would want to shack up with a dried up 53 year old divorcee is even more pathetic.

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And just like that, Hank, without realizing it, described why women find him repulsive.

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Which women? If you're talking about American females, then they are not women. Being repulsive to American females is exactly my goal. My lovely Polish wife (who obviously makes all American females look like dog droppings by comparison) shouldn't have to deal with American prostitutes who claim to be women, like yourself, constantly propositioning me.

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Patriarchy didn't create a society where everybody is free to disregard adult responsibilities, men are free to be creeps and women, whores. That accolade belongs to liberalism.

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Please, go on about how women are whores now because of liberals.

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Beth, you are confused. Liberals only enabled females to expose their inner whore.

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Men have been whores for centuries. One only needs to look at cheating, male evangelists to see the hypocrisy in your statement.

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Scratch an American female, honey, and a feminist bleeds.

Whenever "patriarchy" ceases to exist, females recreate it. Example: Muslim countries.

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There are Christian women who link like this. It could very likely have been Helen.

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Gee, I hope she had his permission.

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Right? Typo...."think like this"

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I don't know who this is directed at, but I imagine that there are a lot of young men who want more explicit instructions about how to actually find real, live conservative women....and I know for sure that there are many young conservative women who don't necessarily run across appropriate conservative men. Build your own world? Sure. Go for it. Clarity about where and how to meet -- priceless.

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The massive disparity in wealth and income which has been growing since Reagan was elected has seriously damaged the marriageability of 2 generations of men. No woman wants to be married to a guy barely making minimum wage and driving Uber 6 hours a day to supplement family income. Societies which don't offer meaningful lives to all members will always have significant social problems. Many Americans are looking at a dark future.

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Totally unrealistic. Ok, as men we should build things but we should build for our own purpose and not for anyone else. I know too many women who are burnt out on relationships and now on full head meds. They now are useless as friends or partners.

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Useless? What a shitty thing to say. Then again, dealing with many of today's men would burn out anybody.

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Ladies do not use the word "shitty".

Today's uncouth females think themselves fashionably modern then can't figure out how they've driven away the gentlemen the females claim that they want. Silly females!

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Only the women in the Blue cities...and even then only most. Rural America, EVERY state, contains the conservative women. Shhhhhhh!

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I'm in my 50s and men of my generation are definitely more manly than a lot of the 20 and 30 something yr old men. These sedentary, young men with big bellies, wimpy chest and shoulders, and ridiculous long beards (to make them feel more masculine?) should stop whining and get to the gym. Men want attractive women and expect us to maintain ourselves. Guess what? Women want men who make SOME attempt to be fit. Yuk!

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Perceptive analysis of the problem. I recommend this woman's advice to all young men trying to figure out the problem of finding the right woman. On some level it's as simple as the don's firm advice to Johnny Fontane--"You can act like a man!"

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Why not just find like minded women? They are minority but they still exist, try another country if you have too. I think most women would set aside their politics if you are a good enough catch.

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And before I forget, the title for the article was brilliant. Much respect for it.

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To the author - As a man in his 60s, I believed that women who thought such as you do no longer existed. What a clear-eyed assessment!

The problem with men today is that they have been raised in an atmosphere which has weakened their spiritual, moral, intellectual, and physical fibre, and as they have surrendered their space, women have aggressively moved into it being aided and abetted by societal entities which have vested interests in their success.

The fix will be the “authentic national revival” of the “spiritual nationalism” that has been missing for decades. To make that happen will take nothing less than a historic intervention by God Himself. For my future grandchildren, I pray He is merciful.

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Females made feminism and only females can unmake it. But they'll have to want to do it.

Exit question: Mr. Wofford, when you were in your 20s and females aggressively invaded men's space did you enjoy fighting with females or did you surrender men's space to them?

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The Navajo Indians have a story about the first men and women who, upon a disagreement, split apart and lived on opposites side of a vast river. Both suffered. The men suffered psychologically but the women suffered more as they were not as physically strong and the natural dangers of primitive times had negative consequences. Eventually, in order to survive, the women submitted to the men.

Lecturing men on the need to make themselves more agreeable to women, who you have admitted have become radicalized, is going to be ignored. Men will continue to be themselves and date many women while believing most women are a bit crazy. It is less important to us that we find "the one" and marry. Most men are ok with just having girlfriends.

If women want to marry than they will need to accommodate themselves to the realities of maleness.

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