One of my recent favs is...

A certain airline CEO saying “showing an ID to vote is racist” but showing an ID to get on an airplane is not. Another, showing an ID to buy a cell phone or thumb print to log in a computer.

I use to think to be a CEO one had to have so brains. Now, I think they’re picked by how dumb and easily manipulated. This again sounds familiar...

Bill Clinton’s real name is William Jefferson Blythe. Don’t see it mentioned much anymore. He gave us the post-modernism “is”!!!

Should check out the Fauchi love letter to the side of beef in Wikileaks. Compare his AIDS panic and the current wear of 10 masks to see if he’s any kind of real doctor...

The PR and Comms people are who shape these messages. Do we think many of the public deliverers have their own ideas? What’s the goal? Who is their intended audience? Are they really speaking for themselves?

I believe many people take advantage of confusion, instability, and let’s add volatility in markets...No one would ever do that though... Especially people who think they are the new feudal lords.

More wars to not win, just to kill and maim our best, end friendships, and encourage enemies. Last I checked nobody voted for that either...

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My original name was Richard John Scott. My parents separated when I was five or six then divorced. He remarried, she remarried and at the end of my first week in ninth grade, my mother and her husband turned the screws on me long enough for me to consent to getting adopted. I became Richard John Mohr. Despite having it on many records, my driver's license, my Army uniforms, passports and students calling me "Mr. Mohr" for years, I'm not entirely used to that being my name. On the other hand, I'm not the other one, either. Bill remembered nothing about his biological father. I did and do.


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