Any infliction on the woke left has to be felt. Such as the burning of buildings and physical harm by the Marxist Left BLM. Violence should never be abandoned as abhorrent as it is. Fight back or face defeat. There is no longer time to write Congress letters of distain. The Left believes voting is the pablum of the masses. Civility is over due to the big leftist lie. Civil War must be understood as the only means now to fight the illegitimate Communist government that has taken over DC and is and will continue to destroy this country. Americans are going to have to wake up in the face of the forces of woke evil and be prepared to go to war against the enemy that lies within. And take back the last free nation on earth. Listen to every word of the xKGB Yuri Besmenov’s 1980s interview on the stages of Communist subversion. We are there.

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Apr 7, 2021
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Right. But we need leaders. Especially military saavy to run civilian militias. I guess they will show when they are needed. Won’t be long if HR1/S1 is passed. Green light for war.

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Make them worry about you. Not just with words but deeds.

All battles can’t be won. But battles not fought are never won. Never inflicting cost on an opponent is servitude.

Never give in! Never give up!

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