Like the Game Stop Reddit movement, instead of thinking about counter-canceling, what about those Conservatives with a public platform ginning up sales support for everything the woke wants to cancel ie the woke crowd's cancel tool becomes a sales boosting tool. Since Amazon removed Anderson's book, Conservative podcasts should get their listeners to buy the book from Barnes and Nobles before it's maybe taken away, sales which could have gone to Amazon. Same with the cancellation of Dr Seuss books... make the books hit #1 in sales. Wouldn't it be fun to see companies use calls by the woke crowd to cancel something as a gauge for stocking up. It could also bring to the forefront for companies who really has the purchasing power - woke crowd or regular people. Companies say they don't care about purchasing power and are just doing what is the "morally right thing" but we should test them with $.

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Made me think of the “iron law of oligarchy”.

Never give in! Never give up!

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I just went to the AM website and can't find Sohrab Ahmari's article referenced by Spencer this morning; where's the article?

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