A couple things...

In-person voting by actual citizens has to happen in all states. No absentee at all except for Mil. No mail in, absentee, harvesting, electronic voting/counting machines, no non-citizens, or any other “easier” way to vote. If voting is so important this shouldn’t be hard to get done. Red legislatures should do this right now.

The normal arguments against actual people going to vote are predictable. Money, so called suppression, everyone gets to vote, etc...

Our elections are not secure. Uniparty and Big Biz know it. Criminals know it. Foreign enemies for sure know it and are involved. The amount of selling that they’re secure and attacks on critics or questions of security is all you need to know .

Country will be one party and that party will be controlled by Big Biz and Foreign Actors (who protect their own countries) if the soft invasion doesn’t end. Would California be a one party state if not for illegals and foreigners who don’t wish to be American? Illegal immigration, caravans, “refugee programs”, and the pay outs to the organizations that facilitate them, are the single greatest national security threat.

Imagine if you were a foreign leader. Your interest is in your country or your monarchy, whatever...You hate the US or see it as a threat. You have lots of money, not enough to compete with the US but a lot of money. You know your military can’t defeat the US. But if you really want to win at all costs. How could you defeat or rule the US? How could you conquer it all without an army? I bet it might look like something that’s going on now...But that would never happen!!!

Media...combination of new and old tech. Can figure that out.

Never give in.

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There are a few smart folks in tech talking about federation. Look at Pleroma, where control stays local. I would look for the personal server market to uptick. Look also at the nascent open source techs coming online and gaining steam—peer tube, mastedon, write freely, and more. The tech exists. Time to get on it and develop our own networks.

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