Liking or loving America reveals a lack of character. America is garbage, has always been garbage, and will always be garbage. Those who love America are also garbage. The best future outcome for America would be humane euthanasia.

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Poulos' last paragraph is the most pitiful exercise in self- flagellation I seen in a long while. Does he really believe that the emerging fascism he describes is PROPERLY the wave of the future and thus something he must surrender to? Maybe Lenin & Co were right after all and that it's just taken 100 years for Americans to realize that. Maybe the successes of constitutional government, individual liberty, and free market capitalism, which produced the greatest prosperity for the greatest number in history, are just illusions, due to be replaced by a brand of fascism we falsely label "Progressive." The underlying theory, also false, is that all change is progress, even when it leads to the further enslavement of some for the benefit of a few. Such self-deprecating thinking cannot be allowed to prevent a deep and realistic look at where the woke culture is taking us and to cause us to resist that movement with all in our power. Fritz

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I read it more as Poulos still being in the thought process of the weak leadership failing to stop the “progress” and yielding to the Woke wing. So not self-deprecating, but insightful into the thinking of the leaders. But otherwise, completely agree.

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I read it as self-doubt and an unwillingness to make judgements concerning good and bad, neither can we afford these days. Thanks for your comment, 4score.

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Take cold comfort in the knowledge that the judgments of the Lord are righteous and just, altogether, and that the US has richly earned this great chastisement.

It seems clear to me the US is collapsing and there is no bottom. As Breaker Morant said that what comes of empire building.

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The sadly profound decay of a civilization that foments the destruction of the individual and eschews the corrupt virtueless power of the state.

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This is a good exercise and I would say this is real close to their thinking.

All eyes on Weekend at Biden’s and China White Mitch...

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