Jul 5, 2021Liked by The American Mind

A pathetic guy that claims to be whatever to win because they can’t win at anything else is still a pathetic guy.

The real villains of this madness are these events or companies who promote mental illness and literal degenerates as good thing.

Which companies or “doctors” make the most money off of cutting off body parts? Might add that as another prong.

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I come away from this conversation feeling as if I wasted time! America...and the world...created women's events to adjust for the male/female differences. Why isn't there simply the creation for a third level of competition: Transgender? You allow for the physiology and preserve level competition. But it is still a wasted conversation, because any discussion which ignores "right" vs "wrong" as well as moral focus simply enforces the attitude that it is the struggle for power that is natural, correct, and is the level at AND purpose for which the "game" should be played (and here I am not talking just about sports). For eons, nature has predetermined gender and many other things and mankind (is that still a term allowed and appearing in dictionaries?) has achieved much knowledge, if not civility, by simply accepting those factors as a given. Me thinks we presume too much when those in power decide that they have the right...and even the mandate...to force their own version of "normality" on the world, starting with the United States. I can accept changes in "legality" that I disagree with, provided I am not forced to cheer and/or approve and/or promote what I deem at best "stupidity" and at worst "a dictatorial taking of my individual freedoms and right to live free of governmental or other invasion(s)" I recognize the State's movement to eliminate morality as a life standard of any source, but I refuse to be forced to cheer it on and approve.

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