Great essay - captures the true behaviors of so called elites and bureaucrats. California state government is not to help the state's residents, it's to enrich a select few and there to make taxes higher and chase away working people to other states. It's amazing to hear individuals parroting the California government bureaucrats and Gov. Newsom's talking point lies on Covid, the reasons for more deadly fire seasons and high crime rates. These individuals just go along with the lies from media, big tech and elected officials without questioning the truth behind the lies. Very dangerous times for workers paying taxes and trying to live freely.

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The new “variant” will be really scary at midterms. It will be the FauCHI-19 Midterm variant and be super deadly in close districts. They will blame pangolin-bat-warthogs-Florida or something. Something that can’t be held to account…

We should be getting some “climate hysteria” lockdowns soon to keep people in line.

There is only one to fear and it ain’t our “elites”. Hold fast and never give up.

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Truth be told. Brilliant essay therefore. Communism / totalitarianism /statists / Socialism all born out of the same evil egg. Power. Greed. Godless. Virtueless. Narcissists. Nihilists. Sadists. So many accurate descriptors of who and what has disemboweled our Constitutional Republic razor wire and all. For decades. We must fight by any and all means necessary. For these are the types who see nothing wrong with mass killings—genocide—to get what they want. Cheating an election is just a rude awakening. This is rot from the inside historically assisted and even planned from without. Communism was never defeated. Only deliberate “collapses” allowing the fermentation to wait and fester. In our universities and now all government and cultural institutions. We can no longer trust an intelligence and judicial apparatchik that spies on its own Citizens solely for the reason of political debate. The Democrats can never win on their terrible policies so they must destroy the opposition. A rogue government is the very thing our Founders feared and considered when writing The Constitution and The Bill of Rights. Both are being trodden upon. The use of the protections of Liberty to foment Tyranny. It’s all here. Now. What remains is what half the country who values freedom of the individual as well as law and order going to do about it.

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Way back when, about 1647, the Levellers were quite certain that servants, employees, retainers and pensioners of the regime were not free and should not be entitled to vote in a constitutional democratic republic.

Clearly, when everybody’s income depends on subsidies from the governing regime they are very unlikely to vote against the regime.

The Democrats know this. Why don’t the Republicans?

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I sympathize with the desire to point at the train wreck of despotism in this country and exclaim outrage. But right now that is all anyone is doing. This excellent article examines it well and fantastically so, if not between the lines, asks the ultimate question: What was God's original intent for the condition of His followers?

The follow up question to that one seems to be: How do we, as you say, "defeat them"? Most of us have the immediate desire to fight fire with fire, ie. be at civic meetings, get into politics, and refashion the same system we are bludgeoned with into OUR creature. Most of us are neither in that realm nor have the talents for that realm, (to those that do, go for it). I would put forth since God never intended us to be dominated by a human leader, and the Constitution originally seemed to set up that scenario, that the answer lies with a concentrated change of heart. We point and rage at the train-wreck because we are angry that it has been stolen and used against us, but that isn't repentance (a turning away) because we as a nation apparently have nothing else to turn TO. We are lingering on what is wrong, not turning to what is right... sadly because many of us don't know what "right" is. I propose "where your treasure is, is where you heart is." For many of us our treasure is our time and our regard (or what we brood over). Perhaps things will change when we all concentrate our regard and brooding on God, and living as if we take for granted that He should never have to be explained into reality, but IS the reality we live in no matter what abomination people try and sell us. Step out in faith that He wants us to be lead by Him and not despots, and that if we step out that way it is HIm who will back us up.

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