How do you take down the most successful culture in the history of the world? By destroying its bedrock foundation: the family.

How do you get humans to ignore the instinct to bond and reproduce? By manipulating societal values so women will reject their primary urge to nurture and nourish their families.

How do you get men to abandon their role as head of the family? By demoralizing and undermining men's natural leadership attributes so they will abandon the role of the family's provider and protectors.

Looks like the globalists' long-term social-engineering psy-op is succeeding!

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Probably better these women remain childless.

These are the women who raise their newborns as "theybies, and send their preschoolers to public library-sponsored transgender reading hours.

The children are used as attention gathering surrogates to fulfill their parent's desperate

need to flout their "virtue" before their fellow moral narcissists.

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Mar 30, 2021Liked by The American Mind

Preach, Helen! Such an excellent piece!! So needed in this cultural moment.

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Many years ago my first marriage ended in divorce after 6 years and 2 kids, ages 3 and 5. My wife left me after I put her through nursing school and her income exceeded mine, after she got a nursing job.

Her fellow single nurses convinced her to leave me by telling her what she was missing by being married. The bars, guys, and night life.

She took the kids but really didn’t want them because their presence made the life she wanted more difficult. When I asked my attorney about me getting custody of the kids he kind of chuckled and said I had no chance. He was glad to take my money (a figure I didn’t have) but guaranteed I wouldn’t get them. The only reason was I was the man.

So she left, unwanted kids in tow. I paid all child support and more. I got them every other weekend as that was standard for the man in those days. Through the years the kids came to understand they weren’t wanted by their mother by her actions and words. She emotionally neglected them. She finally let my son live with me at age 16, when she could no longer control his rage from the way she treated him all those years. He was a mess when he came to live with me. To this day my daughter has trouble relating to me as most of her life she didn’t live with me.

Some will say I’m a victim, others will disagree. In the long run that doesn’t matter. I’ve lived a pretty long life and will die in some years just another anonymous person.

But my son was a victim of this story. He died a few years ago by suicide. In his final note he expressed the anguish of his relationship with his mother.

My son didn’t mention me. Like I was never even there.

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It's because women were given the right to vote that we find ourselves in this situation . . . because the right to vote includes the right to hold office.

Though emotional, the human female is created by God Almighty with an understanding far greater than the male so she can multitask her home and protect and guide her family.

A major consequence of this is she can be more easily manipulated intellectually. She will change her mind often. She can be persuaded easily, even by suggestion. Ask any trial lawyer if this is true. Or any advertising, marketing, or political campaign strategist.

The Jewish Sages knew this too. That is why a woman, even today, cannot give testimony in a Halachic Jewish court.

Women have abandoned the home and look where we are: junk food, take-outs, obesity, drug addiction, abortion, double-income mortgages, divorce, juvenile crime, wanton sexuality, depression, and the District of Corruption.

Every word of the Torah, from the root ירה, to instruct, is written to teach every generation how to live according to the design of The Creator . . . so we don't veer off course.

As the three wise men of Genesis 18:9 asked Abraham :

וַיֹּאֽמְרוּ אֵלָיו אַיֵּה שָׂרָה אִשְׁתֶּךָ וַיֹּאמֶר הִנֵּה בָאֹֽהֶל׃

And they said to him, "Where is Sarah, your wife?" And he said, "Behold, in the tent."It's because women were given the right to vote that we find ourselves in this situation . . . because the right to vote includes the right to hold office.

Though emotional, the human female is created by God Almighty with an understanding far greater than the male so she can multitask her home and protect and guide her family.

A major consequence of this is she can be more easily manipulated intellectually. She will change her mind often. She can be persuaded easily, even by suggestion. Ask any trial lawyer if this is true. Or any advertising, marketing, or political campaign strategist.

The Jewish Sages knew this too. That is why a woman, even today, cannot give testimony in a Halachic Jewish court.

Women have abandoned the home and look where we are: junk food, take-outs, obesity, drug addiction, abortion, double-income mortgages, divorce, juvenile crime, wanton sexuality, depression, and the District of Corruption.

Every word of the Torah, from the root ירה, to instruct, is written to teach every generation how to live according to the design of The Creator . . . so we don't veer off course.

As the three wise men of Genesis 18:9 asked Abraham :

וַיֹּאֽמְרוּ אֵלָיו אַיֵּה שָׂרָה אִשְׁתֶּךָ וַיֹּאמֶר הִנֵּה בָאֹֽהֶל׃

And they said to him, "Where is Sarah, your wife?" And he said, "Behold, in the tent."

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Lol millennial females made their beds, and they will die alone in them.

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You leftists women made the beta males you have to choose from. Karma.

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Mar 30, 2021Liked by The American Mind

This is excellent. Now to figure out to get my daughters to read it without coming from me

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>That I still want 30 to be. I want all the exciting, thrilling parts, without being selfish and shallow. <

And on this note, another woke Karen is born. Actions without consequences, being an adult without an responsibility, and virtual signalling to express their "unselfishness" without actually having to give anything up or pay any meaningful price...

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I searched for the word, "Father" in this essay and came up 0/0.

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Sage advice for all. Don't date America-born women. All problems solved. You're welcome.

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The strategy appears, for women, to spend their most fertile years in school in order to get a college degree thinking it will make them more attractive to high-income men. Graduating deep in debt, they go to work to pay it off because men don't want to take on the debt in a marriage that may quickly end as his wife looks to either trade up, or just take his stuff. Also, as a high earner, he too can trade for something fresher instead of having a family and growing old with someone.

A college degree makes women less marketable as they now see the majority of single men no longer as good prospects. These "losers" become invisible to her. By the time she has her education and career situated, and is looking for the perfect guy, she is in her mid-twenties and quickly approaching the end of her shelf life as fresher inventory hits the market every day. Finding a good prospect, she spends three years on him only to find he will not commit. She is now in her late 20's and "all of the good men are taken." I know - go for that masters degree. That will work.

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As a nurse, I was taught in the 1960s that the best years to conceive were the 20s, even late teens, like 18-19. But my generation had other aspirations and although many had children in the best years, most waited. Then came the "nanny" years because no one wanted to stay home to actually raise those children, and it has not changed much. It is the exception that a mother will give up her career, even temporarily, to raise and nurture her child. The movies try to tell us that a mother can have both and be successful, but for most, this is not realistic. For many it has led to divorce and single parenting and children who distance themselves from both parents. And, we wonder why our society is floundering? The offspring are turning to teachers & counselors who are progressives, who seems to have the answers, although it be the wrong ones.

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I am over 70 yrs old and tried to convey the great and not-so-great reality of being a woman to my daughter, grandaughters, and even inlaw females. I grew up being an assertive person, but later, not an obnoxious feminist. Feminists carried the "woman are better" mantra too far. You can like and love men and still by your own person. Right for me, was always making money, but on my schedule and my terms. You can't go back, either, so get away from or put down that screen and give time and attention to your kids and partner. People are more important than things. This is what it's all about!

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Open Hypergamy is the norm now.

The cost is the family unit.

Yay Feminism!!!

Read: The Rational Male from Rollo Tomassi

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LOL - 30 years old and still blaming your parents? There was a campaign in NYC once that promoted female health, including information about safe sex and bio-clocks. The feminists lambasted it as anti-women because the medical community was being honest in telling women

the truth: that choices had to be made if they wanted children. The campaign was ended.

Everyone should just stop listening to the politicians, bureaucrats, & intellectuals - the alleged experts. Progressivism promoted eugenics in the 1920s - 1930s and it snowballed into Hitler’s Germany where Arians were thought to be superior to al, ethnicities. The 1960s was plagued by intellectuals who thought children’s sexuality needed to be recognized and adults should help them discover it. I just read about that today in an article about Foucault who lived in Tunisia so he could have sex with young boys. This is a revered modern thinker!

People need to wake up and end the oppression of these “free thinkers” who think they can imagine a better future which is actually rooted in their own egocentric, self-serving, lunatic ideas. All we need to be are sympathetic, civil, and good people. The rest will take care of itself. All people should be treated with respect and no one should be shamed for who they are.

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