How do you take down the most successful culture in the history of the world? By destroying its bedrock foundation: the family.

How do you get humans to ignore the instinct to bond and reproduce? By manipulating societal values so women will reject their primary urge to nurture and nourish their families.

How do you get men to abandon their role as head of the family? By demoralizing and undermining men's natural leadership attributes so they will abandon the role of the family's provider and protectors.

Looks like the globalists' long-term social-engineering psy-op is succeeding!

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This is the most constructive and insightful comment yet delivered on this entire thread. I’m a grandfather, 9 children (5 boys and 4 girls), and a wonderful wife of 42 years this month. We pray for all of our children everyday. The decay in our culture that now manifests as you have so perfectly described it, hurts both young men and young women equally. The solution—- keep praying and continue to be courageous witnesses to the truth, even when the consequences of doing so are painful. I still love this country very much, and it’s worth working to save for our posterity. Thx for the post, Grandma.

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Thank Betty Friedan

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It's all Betty Friedan's fault?

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Two adds to your great comment. 1. So. Korea, one of the most advanced technological countries posted a pre-covid 2019 birthrate of 0.98 per female. This trend has slowly come down after a baby bust 40 years ago thus very complicated to stabilize let alone turn around. What does this mean? Right now about 53 million So. Korean's and if that 0.98 is a new normal by 2100..... there will be under 12 million So. Korean's. Any number twice that if not even more is a collapse that would expose a nation to all types of geopolitical and military antagonists.

2. I started studying Demographics about 15 years ago. A book from a researcher published (sorry, I can't find that darn book or the name!) noted an odd departure of UN projected birthrates. It was funny in ways since the UN followed the consensus for decades and now this variance? The author tried and tried to make sense of it and then gave up. 12~ years ago I remember where I was walking out of my bedroom thinking how strange but as time goes by it actually does make sense for all the wrong reasons.

BTW, anyone should read the book The Fourth Turning, 1997. A predictive but cyclical trend of society, generations, and what it means at its apex of change. These coming years will be very difficult. I hope I and the authors are wrong!

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How did men " abandon their roles as head of the family" Who's responsible for the expulsion of men from their own households?

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The systematic smearing of 'the patriarchy', fatherless boys growing up without a masculine role model, the widespread drop in testosterone levels in young men, radical feminism and the welfare state - a toxic brew of social-engineered psychological manipulation and indoctrination delivered to children via the leftist-controlled education system and mass media.

Why do YOU think men are so reluctant to become husbands and fathers?

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It's easier to just say: "I blame everything & everyone else for grown men's bad behavior. I want you to believe men are natural leaders of the family AND can't help it when they abandon their family, so you won't hold them accountable for their actions either."

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Probably better these women remain childless.

These are the women who raise their newborns as "theybies, and send their preschoolers to public library-sponsored transgender reading hours.

The children are used as attention gathering surrogates to fulfill their parent's desperate

need to flout their "virtue" before their fellow moral narcissists.

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hmmm, as a republican woman, I disagree. There are a lot of moderate, sane women who just did not get the chance to have a "normal" life because of the way society is built right now. I think we would have made great parents if we had found suitable and reliable partners or maybe if it were more affordable to live, attend school and do all the other things you have to do to fit into the societal mold. Not all childless career women are into the strange ultra left agenda.

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Nah American females are not suitable for motherhood. Ideally, American females would be involuntarily sterilized, but voluntarily refraining from passing on their disease to subsequent generations is good too. We will just replace them with higher quality foreign women.

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And American men are suitable for fatherhood and shouldn't be replaced by higher quality foreign men? It's not even rational to think both grew up in the same culture and only one side is flawed..

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The problem with your reply is that you assume a high-quality foreign man would choose an American woman. Generally speaking, that doesn’t happen. Mainly because foreign men hate feminist women even more than American men do. And also, American women are the fattest population of women in the world.

American men can compensate for any shortcomings by at least being financially well off, which appeals to young, beautiful foreign women. But high-quality foreign men don’t care about a woman’s salary. So, a high earning feminist is still on the path towards dying alone.

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Americans aren't getting high quality foreign partners regardless of gender..They are with each other

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Ridiculous, you’re bitterness is showing.

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He's right.

American women are culturally flawed. Their expectations are at of whack with reality, thus creating embittered women. Stay far away from them. As an immigrant myself was astonished at the hedonistic and ultimately empty lifestyle they perused. Hooked up with another immigrant from eastern Europe. Never been happier in my life, Same with my spouse.

The culture in the US is setup to create misery, because misery drives profits and instant gratification impulses.

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And American men aren't culturally flawed-How does one share the same culture and not both be affected?

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Men have critical thinking ability and are able to challenge dominant narratives. Women do not have critical thinking ability, so they just adopt viewpoints from those they perceive as having authority.

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I have no reason to be bitter. I have a non-American wife. I'm just giving advice for those wading through the sewer of American females looking for a mate. Feminine women exist. Men just need to look outside of the USA for them. Young men will not find marriageable women in America. They should leave American females to die alone, as they deserve.

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But foreign wives are divorcing you too

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Apr 1, 2021
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No, my wife is Polish. I do not support miscegenation.

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Apr 1, 2021
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Probably some sloot did. An insult from a feminist graffiti-hole is a badge of honor.

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Excuses excuses. No. You didn’t want to be wives. You wanted to larp as men.

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Apr 2, 2021
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Live action role play. They are imposters

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I agree. I wanted a husband/family and still do. The last guy I dated thought A date was me driving to his house and sitting on the couch watching TV. He loved porn and told me not to worry about his porn watching. I dumped him. It started out so promising and he just did...nothing. I no longer want a career and let it go.

I just want a traditional masculine man who I can be a woman for. Cook for, make his bed. I made that guys bed once and I felt so good.

But..he didn’t even notice. I picked his plate up for him and he didn’t even notice that either. I wanted to please him. He wanted beer and porn.

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So it's men's fault you embraced a lifestyle not conducive to finding a suitable mate?

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Yeah that's it, blame the men for not being suitable and reliable enough to meet your expectations. Maybe it's time to look in the mirror...something you've probably had tons of practice doing.

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Hmmmm, every American female I dated would fall in your "moderate, sane" cohort and I found them all lacking. Here's the tale of the last one during my college days:

I noticed Robyn was paying much more attention to me after our mutual friend Adam rejected her advances and eventually got engaged. I was reluctant to plunge in because I knew Robyn was really smitten with Adam and I'd been burned by every other girl I'd gotten near. Still, I eased in and things seemed to be going great...until everything fell apart.

Suddenly Robyn was dealing with me in an arms length manner. A few days later I spied Robyn leaving Adam's dorm room one Sunday morning looking disheveled but very satisfied. Over the coming days I pieced together the following:

1. Robyn friend zoned me because my hesitancy turned her off.

2. After Adam's finance' transferred to a nearby college, he and Robyn came into an arrangement. Robyn would be allowed to come over for sex as long as she kept it secret and agreed to do the "butt stuff" she had always said she hated.

I was quite devastated and humiliated. But no worries; after another year and a half of chastity and loneliness I discovered the joys of Northeast Asia!

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Watch Barbarossa's " The Postfeminism Man" for further clarity.

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Five years after I told my mom "DO NOT ask about kids again" I had four darling girl babies (oopsies! triplets! did not want them but did not want to kill them either, sooo)

When the tech asked me if I was on fertility drugs, I said NO! I'd NEVER do that! I HATE kids!

Turns out I loved my own so much that we homeschooled them to spend more time with them.

Co-ops work for working parents, btw.

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Then American men should stop giving them children...

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Preach, Helen! Such an excellent piece!! So needed in this cultural moment.

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Many years ago my first marriage ended in divorce after 6 years and 2 kids, ages 3 and 5. My wife left me after I put her through nursing school and her income exceeded mine, after she got a nursing job.

Her fellow single nurses convinced her to leave me by telling her what she was missing by being married. The bars, guys, and night life.

She took the kids but really didn’t want them because their presence made the life she wanted more difficult. When I asked my attorney about me getting custody of the kids he kind of chuckled and said I had no chance. He was glad to take my money (a figure I didn’t have) but guaranteed I wouldn’t get them. The only reason was I was the man.

So she left, unwanted kids in tow. I paid all child support and more. I got them every other weekend as that was standard for the man in those days. Through the years the kids came to understand they weren’t wanted by their mother by her actions and words. She emotionally neglected them. She finally let my son live with me at age 16, when she could no longer control his rage from the way she treated him all those years. He was a mess when he came to live with me. To this day my daughter has trouble relating to me as most of her life she didn’t live with me.

Some will say I’m a victim, others will disagree. In the long run that doesn’t matter. I’ve lived a pretty long life and will die in some years just another anonymous person.

But my son was a victim of this story. He died a few years ago by suicide. In his final note he expressed the anguish of his relationship with his mother.

My son didn’t mention me. Like I was never even there.

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I have a son and daughter from my first marriage, we divorced because she didn't know if she ever really loved me after 14 yrs. She was quite chilly and affectionless but my dad was a minister, I was raised you don't divorce. I was shocked afterwards that I was kinda happy to see her gone. 4 years later I had my first date, we married, for 4 yrs, she traumatized my kids her kid and me. She was into drugs beyond weed, her daughter did coke with mom on NYE, my daughter kept in touch and told me, she found her 21 yr old daughter dead on a sat morn heroin OD. Then by accident, as always I bumped into 3rd times a charm as we both were finalizing our divorces. 21 spectacular yrs later we're still happy with each other. During those first 4 yrs or so my kids lived with me 2 weeks here, 2 weeks at moms, the chilly woman that rarely hugged and I wasn't mentally present for my kids I was being selfish with my new love. They looked down upon my new wife because HORRORS, the slut hag a GED, OMG! Between mom not nuturing, wife #2 saying things when I wasn't around and just a year ago heard, my son turned me off like a switch about 12-15 yrs ago, not a word. He started his own business, got married, my daughter told me, she and I get along like pals. She was first and my parents curse took hold well, she's me in a woman. We all do things in our lives that others blame. My son had a far from perfect childhood, we all did, I raised my kids to talk about problems, their mom was the opposite. My daughter talked to me, I wish my son had. I'm not going to guilt myself, I apologize profusely, attempted to work it out, cried to God and begged him to help my son not do as yours, problems ignored fester and become enormous. Talk to God, don't be guilty that just brings pain. Remember, God forgives all things! I hope this will somehow help you, best of luck and God bless you.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to write your story down for me. I found it very interesting. Some parallels with my story. A special thanks for asking God to bless me, a person you don’t know. God bless you too.

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I have a dad that never gave up on me no matter what my mom did. I love him more than my words will ever express.

Thank you Terrence. I saw the emotional price my dad and men like you pay for the sake of your children. You are so special. I hope your daughter will figure this out while there’s still time.

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Don’t ever believe that you didn’t matter to your son. He felt safe with you and such unrest with his Mom. The Lord loves you dearly as He loves your children. Lean in to Jesus and pray for your daughter as well. Whether she is uncomfortable now doesn’t matter - just keep loving her and praying for healing.

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Thank you Margie. Your kind words are comforting to me. I will think about them going forward.

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I'm so sorry to hear your story, but there is still time for you and your daughter to build something healthy..pray godly..as nothing else matter than the relationship with have with God in the end.

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I'm sorry to hear what you went through. All of the evil and sefishness we go through is a result of the fall. Hurting is all we know in our nature. Only God can restore you. I pray you find peace and comfort in Christ Jesus.

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Yes your right. I’m just now learning about what you speak of here. Thank you.

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Apr 2, 2021
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There is some truth here, especially in the last sentence.

Thanks for your comment.

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It's because women were given the right to vote that we find ourselves in this situation . . . because the right to vote includes the right to hold office.

Though emotional, the human female is created by God Almighty with an understanding far greater than the male so she can multitask her home and protect and guide her family.

A major consequence of this is she can be more easily manipulated intellectually. She will change her mind often. She can be persuaded easily, even by suggestion. Ask any trial lawyer if this is true. Or any advertising, marketing, or political campaign strategist.

The Jewish Sages knew this too. That is why a woman, even today, cannot give testimony in a Halachic Jewish court.

Women have abandoned the home and look where we are: junk food, take-outs, obesity, drug addiction, abortion, double-income mortgages, divorce, juvenile crime, wanton sexuality, depression, and the District of Corruption.

Every word of the Torah, from the root ירה, to instruct, is written to teach every generation how to live according to the design of The Creator . . . so we don't veer off course.

As the three wise men of Genesis 18:9 asked Abraham :

וַיֹּאֽמְרוּ אֵלָיו אַיֵּה שָׂרָה אִשְׁתֶּךָ וַיֹּאמֶר הִנֵּה בָאֹֽהֶל׃

And they said to him, "Where is Sarah, your wife?" And he said, "Behold, in the tent."It's because women were given the right to vote that we find ourselves in this situation . . . because the right to vote includes the right to hold office.

Though emotional, the human female is created by God Almighty with an understanding far greater than the male so she can multitask her home and protect and guide her family.

A major consequence of this is she can be more easily manipulated intellectually. She will change her mind often. She can be persuaded easily, even by suggestion. Ask any trial lawyer if this is true. Or any advertising, marketing, or political campaign strategist.

The Jewish Sages knew this too. That is why a woman, even today, cannot give testimony in a Halachic Jewish court.

Women have abandoned the home and look where we are: junk food, take-outs, obesity, drug addiction, abortion, double-income mortgages, divorce, juvenile crime, wanton sexuality, depression, and the District of Corruption.

Every word of the Torah, from the root ירה, to instruct, is written to teach every generation how to live according to the design of The Creator . . . so we don't veer off course.

As the three wise men of Genesis 18:9 asked Abraham :

וַיֹּאֽמְרוּ אֵלָיו אַיֵּה שָׂרָה אִשְׁתֶּךָ וַיֹּאמֶר הִנֵּה בָאֹֽהֶל׃

And they said to him, "Where is Sarah, your wife?" And he said, "Behold, in the tent."

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I agree with what you say. I hope you know Messiah Yeshua.

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Mar 31, 2021
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no, actually it's not.

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I like Gavin McInnis' view of women voters--they voted Pretty Boy Trudeau and Cool Guy Obama into office, after all. But a lot of men are dumb and superficial, esp those who went to college for too long.

I'm smart, but then I tend to be analytical... you know, like a guy ;>]

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Apr 1, 2021
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Yes, the USA has always been a feminist hell hole. It's because of america's anglo heritage. As we all know, anglos are a matriarchal race of woman-worshipers. In real countries, women did not have rights.

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Apr 1, 2021
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Well, you might have hit upon why NJ is such a mess, I had to leave the state or perish.

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Women in politics is behind every social Ill we have.

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And that's why you won't have grandkids.

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Prove it.

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Lol millennial females made their beds, and they will die alone in them.

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they didn't though, they were lead astray and brainwashed just like young men.

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American men are in a much better position than American females are, and it isn't even close. Most American men are still good. They just need to seek mates outside of the USA because American females are not suitable as wives or mothers.

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I like how "the exception is the rule" resonates so strong with you..but in reality, you are fallible and american men are definitely part of the "freedom=singledom" lie. Just because your wife is foreign, and you are having a successful marriage, does not mean that is the answer to these problems we are witnessing in our society. I lived in Europe, the same thing is happening there, this is global.

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Foreign wives are divorcing American men in high numbers..so many of them will no longer be able to pretend this is a real solution..and anyone who knows anything..know feminism reach beyond the West

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There's this swedish article about marriage, a very entresting read.

It states that the mayority of swedish men marry abroad, meaning they go for foreign women, mostly Thai (65%). These marriages only have like a 17% divorce rate. While the Marriages between pure Swedish couples have a 83% divorce rate. So by this it shows that foreign wives have a way lower divorce rate compared with western couples. So if someone was a gambler, you put a bet down with a 83% win or a 83% fail? The smart man would put his money on the 83% win ofcourse. The thing is that western women oftend demonize foreign relationships is because they know they'll be left out in the end.

I wish you a lovely and productive day :)

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Stating facts is not demonized...and this blog is about Americans not Sweden...if we were talking about the later then I would speak the truth on what the pattern of success and failure is with involvement with foreign mates....with Americans and foreigners the failure rate is much higher than Swedish partnership with them...That is just the ugly truth..But everyone needs to do what is best for them..

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I know you will try and throw the feminist handbook at me. So let's answer it before you even do xD

- I know it's not about America but Sweden, BUT that's not the point. So trying to sidestep the point and make that argument will not fly.

- NO i'm not single and hurt. Been happely married +10 years with a wonderfull women who was born and raised in the same country i was and has the same skin color (incase you go full SS on me)

- The thing that you believe that foreign women have an equal divorce rate comes from these stupid reality shows i know you love to watch and is just pampering it's target audience.

- (most) American women are known for beeing the most:

- Unhappy

- Mentaly unstable (2/3 to be precise)

- Lonely

- Narcisitic

- Alcoholic


(The UN and CDC alrdy pointed that out so don't try and deny it)

I've seen you made lots and lots of argument straith out of the book in past comments. Can i ask you: are you single? a Divorcee? Mother? i know i'm stereotyping you now. But stereotypes are proven to be mostly true :)

To conclude: you (humans in general) have their faith in their own hands so use the time you where given wisely. Peace

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Well, you can lump me in with Hank. I had the worst time dealing with American women; between all the neuroses and their burning desire for what they steadfastly would state they didn't want it just got to be too much. Then I volunteered to go to Korea when I was in the Army...

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Yeah, but they're damaged now. Sorry, but any woman who got ran thru the feminist liberal meat mill is toxic and guaranteed to destroy any marriage you have with her. Just like she got bored with her feminist fantasy, soon she will bored with her marriage fantasy. See life isn't a stupid movie starring Jennifer Garner but these idiots still think it is.

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Most American women see marriage as a Disney fairytale or a Hallmark movie. One should never forget they can push the "nuclear button" at anytime and take your children (85% -> 93%) of the time, your home, half of your retirement and get alimony (97% of the time). Why sign a contract when the other party benefits and has incentives to break the contract. The reason that I got married in my fifties is that my wife is a beautiful asian who is a devout buddhist and moral and loyal to a fault.

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Absolutely. I'm 68 and in the middle of a second divorce. The American-born wife (63) decided after 13 years of marriage that she could get money for herself and her four ne'er-do-well kids from HER first marriage by divorcing me. One fine winter day, she sent me and my son on a ski trip, and when we got back, she was gone. No warning, no antecedent fighting, no acrimony - just pushed that "nuclear button," walked out, and filed. I would never advise any young man to marry an American woman these days. With no-fault divorces and courts stacked against the man, he'd be crazy to sign that contract - and that is ALL it is: a contract. As they say, if it flies, floats or f**ks, you are better off to rent it.

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Foreign women are divorcing you too-care to explain why?

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Even my 29 yo daughter would agree with you. Snooki and the Kardashians was not role models to emulate!

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You leftists women made the beta males you have to choose from. Karma.

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This is excellent. Now to figure out to get my daughters to read it without coming from me

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If you need to trick your daughters into listening to you, then it is time to reflect on your failures as a patriarch. But the damage is probably already done.

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>That I still want 30 to be. I want all the exciting, thrilling parts, without being selfish and shallow. <

And on this note, another woke Karen is born. Actions without consequences, being an adult without an responsibility, and virtual signalling to express their "unselfishness" without actually having to give anything up or pay any meaningful price...

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I searched for the word, "Father" in this essay and came up 0/0.

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Never heard of him

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He lost his home, was alienated by his ex from his daughter, and his identity profile does not meet hiring quotas set by global corporations, so he works two minimum wage jobs to pay alimony (euphemistically called "child support").

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Sage advice for all. Don't date America-born women. All problems solved. You're welcome.

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Apr 2, 2021
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Foreign women aren’t perfect, but they aren’t as fat or feminist as American women.

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The strategy appears, for women, to spend their most fertile years in school in order to get a college degree thinking it will make them more attractive to high-income men. Graduating deep in debt, they go to work to pay it off because men don't want to take on the debt in a marriage that may quickly end as his wife looks to either trade up, or just take his stuff. Also, as a high earner, he too can trade for something fresher instead of having a family and growing old with someone.

A college degree makes women less marketable as they now see the majority of single men no longer as good prospects. These "losers" become invisible to her. By the time she has her education and career situated, and is looking for the perfect guy, she is in her mid-twenties and quickly approaching the end of her shelf life as fresher inventory hits the market every day. Finding a good prospect, she spends three years on him only to find he will not commit. She is now in her late 20's and "all of the good men are taken." I know - go for that masters degree. That will work.

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Over 80% of Men are invisible to Women. The don't have the height, money, and attitude. Women only realize their 'standards' are unrealistic when they are driving to the place where their eggs will be frozen.

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As a nurse, I was taught in the 1960s that the best years to conceive were the 20s, even late teens, like 18-19. But my generation had other aspirations and although many had children in the best years, most waited. Then came the "nanny" years because no one wanted to stay home to actually raise those children, and it has not changed much. It is the exception that a mother will give up her career, even temporarily, to raise and nurture her child. The movies try to tell us that a mother can have both and be successful, but for most, this is not realistic. For many it has led to divorce and single parenting and children who distance themselves from both parents. And, we wonder why our society is floundering? The offspring are turning to teachers & counselors who are progressives, who seems to have the answers, although it be the wrong ones.

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I am over 70 yrs old and tried to convey the great and not-so-great reality of being a woman to my daughter, grandaughters, and even inlaw females. I grew up being an assertive person, but later, not an obnoxious feminist. Feminists carried the "woman are better" mantra too far. You can like and love men and still by your own person. Right for me, was always making money, but on my schedule and my terms. You can't go back, either, so get away from or put down that screen and give time and attention to your kids and partner. People are more important than things. This is what it's all about!

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Open Hypergamy is the norm now.

The cost is the family unit.

Yay Feminism!!!

Read: The Rational Male from Rollo Tomassi

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LOL - 30 years old and still blaming your parents? There was a campaign in NYC once that promoted female health, including information about safe sex and bio-clocks. The feminists lambasted it as anti-women because the medical community was being honest in telling women

the truth: that choices had to be made if they wanted children. The campaign was ended.

Everyone should just stop listening to the politicians, bureaucrats, & intellectuals - the alleged experts. Progressivism promoted eugenics in the 1920s - 1930s and it snowballed into Hitler’s Germany where Arians were thought to be superior to al, ethnicities. The 1960s was plagued by intellectuals who thought children’s sexuality needed to be recognized and adults should help them discover it. I just read about that today in an article about Foucault who lived in Tunisia so he could have sex with young boys. This is a revered modern thinker!

People need to wake up and end the oppression of these “free thinkers” who think they can imagine a better future which is actually rooted in their own egocentric, self-serving, lunatic ideas. All we need to be are sympathetic, civil, and good people. The rest will take care of itself. All people should be treated with respect and no one should be shamed for who they are.

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