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The TV used to be called a “mind control device” or “idiot box”. Those people were labeled as tin foil hat wearers by the people on TV of course.

All reality shows are fake/produced made for the TV. I have an ex-gf that was on the show “ElimiDate”; I believe it was called. They were told in advance who was going to win. (I know I’m “dating” myself lol).

I knew another woman who works/worked for a certain alphabet agency who tried out for “Survivor” and was picked for “Amazing Race”. They were told in advance who was going to win and how it would play out.

Watch the Rodney King video. Not the video that the enemy of America media shows but the whole video. The one were the other two black guys who didn’t get beat up just laid on the ground...

All images on video are meant for a certain audience. Just like many “ news” articles are really open source Intel getting passed through “news agencies” so they don’t get caught. They are meant for certain people. The real customers...

Take a deep breath before accepting video.

First questions should always be, “Is this all of it?”. “How much more video is available before or after the clip being shown?”. Second question, “Who is this video intended for?”. Third question “Who is delivering the video?”. Doing these things can protect you from the trap. At least they work for me lol.

Weapon has two edges...

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