You have excellent ideas, but I got so frustrated with the complex verbiage that I quit reading about halfway. Yes, we know you are smart. Now go read some Hemingway and learn how to write powerfully by writing simply.

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I agree. A more succinct writing style would gain an much wider audience and be much more effective for communication.

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suck what?

wasn't hemminway that commie who kill himself

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Your a genuine cherry picker with info aren't you. Hemmingway was the guy in Islands in the Stream did undercover recon for Nazi subs. Oh but wait we were Allies with Stalin the the Soviet Union of Socialist Republics who actually destroyed Germany. Where did suck come from? No one said anything sucked. You must be have hallucinations again.

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His writing is okay. It's just that modern readers, such as yourself, have become entitled to texts composed for 8-year-olds. If you are adverse to the lowest amount of reading effort, feel free to stick to shopping guides and mommy blogs.

It's quite telling of how self-indulgent our society has become when stupid/lazy people demand of serious writers to dumb down their texts instead of feel ashamed they can't follow and demand a bit more intellectual stamina from themselves.

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I'll match my English proficiency with yours any day.

By the way, it's "averse," not "adverse." Q.E.D.

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Maybe you could, English is not my first language.

Thanks for pointing that out about averse/adverse, but their meanings are close enough that my use barely qualifies as a mistake.

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It is my first language, and a marvelous thing it is. Clarity of communication comes from using precise, concise verbiage, not dragging the thing through Roget’s, looking for bigger words that mean the same. And as for averse/adverse, now you are twice mistaken. Don’t criticize if you can’t back it up.

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My Goodness Gracious. You left out the negative sign before your 3 stars or was it a black hole. Hemmingway one of the Greatest Authors of all time is not to be mocked even by a Mental Midget such as yourself.

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It was just found that 74000 illegal ballots was uncovered by the AZ audit. GA was also proven beyond the shadow of a doubt to have been stolen with illegal ballots. PA, MI and WI are next. Biden is an illegal occupier of the White House.

Will anything be done about this? No. Will the criminals go to jail? No.

Why? Because our gov and all of its agencies are corrupt to the core and that includes the deep state, globalist republicans.

It is time for civil war, way, way past time for civil war. If we are to have justice and a righting of our country, it must be done using the last tool our founding fathers gave us to do it with. Civil war is the only way left at this point, it is too corrupt to fix with voting which is rigged anyway.

Civil war and rivers of blood are in our near future, prepare and be ready because want it or not, like it or not, it's coming.

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Last Tuesday I was just in a Zoom meeting, and one of the speakers was Ken Cuccinelli. He was very clear: the Constitution has no provision for removing a usurper from office once the election is certified. Our TOP priority must be vote integrity because once the Democrats - or anybody - get control of the election machinery, we're done. I keep thinking about what Reagan said: "Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom, and then lost it, have never known it again." HAVE NEVER KNOWN IT AGAIN.

A recent article made the point that current American sentiments are indistinguishable from those of 1860, and the reactions, too, are the same: We have some very strong divisions, but we'll work them out. Well, we didn't work them out. God help us if this keeps going the way it seems to be; America is an armed camp, and these days citizens have much more efficient weapons than muzzle-loaders.

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I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if a civil war were to break out honestly. Most Americans are angry and completely disgusted with the corruption, lies, greed and uselessness of US politicians on both sides.

Wasn't our government supposedly created/founded to serve, answer, and protect the will of all American citizens?

Many of us know that our own government & politicians seem to forget it is they who serve the will of the American people, not the other way around. Our demands, opinions, questions, and time are far beneath them, so they do as they please without fear of lawful consequences.

Lets face it.... both Republicans and Democrats have gotten absolutely nothing accomplished for many decades now. It's funny how everytime I turn around, more restrictions, laws, & legislations are created and thrown at Americans everywhere daily.

What's even sadder is the fact that these created laws or changes are done in secret. Shouldn't things like that need vote/approval from the American people, especially if it effects their personal lives or daily living?

It's pretty heartbreaking and sickening when Americans are told by government or state officials what plants, trees, and/or flowers can and cant be grown on their own property. Or being told what animals (breeds, species etc) we can and cant have as personal pets or livestock. We are a free country right?

As a natural born American and Floridian, I love my country. I am however beyond ashamed of all the elected politicians, officials etc we "supposedly" voted into office these past few decades. It's no wonder that a group of Baboons is called a Congress smh.

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His writing is well done, maybe s summary if ideas can be added for the layman. A once great Rabbi was criticized by other rabbinical scholars for his ability to simply complex concepts into words all could understand. When accused of disrespecting the scriptures. He simply said, he no one understands, no one listens. Maybe he was right. However I enjoyed the article. Food for thought.

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Of course you're right. Consider this: Cuba, South Africa, Haiti-- Coincidence? Not sure but; certainly odd

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“Those who renounce this insane project may still find some measure of forgiveness or even respect. Those who do not face an unenviable fate.”


They have no idea what they’re doing and what it has wrought.

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They have an excellent idea of what they are doing, its a Color Revolution and they’ve become very good at doing Color Revolutions, they have lots of practice.

As for their fate; at present they are the Master of our fates, and we are not (define we as not the Master Class) nor do we pose any threat to them.

Since the Religious are here, pray for a Warlord, and the rest of us should follow him.

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A well thought out article (should we expect anything less?) but it leaves some disquieting questions unasked and thus unanswered. For me the current count is two:

1. Is the motivation of this activity the accumulation of personal power; or

2. Is the motivation ideological and more than just the happy coincidence of multiple narcissistic efforts coming together to accidentally act synergistically to overwhelm any opposition.

I don't claim to know the answer. I labor under an illusion that the value of logic and reason of itself will "win the day." While this may be true over the long (whatever that is) run, it clearly is naïve and unworkable in today's America...and perhaps the entire world. The only think that feels absolutely true is that the current state of affairs can only result in the destruction of our Republic. Whether that is ultimately good or bad is a judgment well above my pay grade, although I am tempted to repeat the oft uttered phrase, "we get the government we deserve."

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The Republic fell in January. Move on.

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I digress...and apologize...but the Republic actually was doomed to fail by Lincoln and the Civil War. The Founding Fathers recognized that a Republic was great if the population was fairly limited, but became more and more distant from representing the voters as it grew. They felt that over time additional Republics would break away parts of a growing America and ultimately form an alliance of Republics for the purpose of defense, but otherwise keep government(s) small and responsive to (close to) the people and not have "Representatives" in a cliché thousands of miles from their districts. Consider that if todays HR provided the same representative density as existed in 1795-1800, it would number over 1200 members. (And you wondered why the don't care what YOU think?)

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The Republic fell to force and fraud in January 21.

Regardless of whenever it was “doomed” in the past , the Republic fell on our watch.

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Natural Laws of the Universe will always prevail. Unfortunately, for humanity the Universe has infinite time to get things back into balance.

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Ummm no!

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Guess you are an Atheist? Don't worry the Universe (God if you want) does not care.

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There is not an infinite time left! Read the book of Revelation!!!

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That my friend is not the Universe nor is it God. It is man's writing and the Revelation story may be happening as we speak. Maybe a new species will come along again and Get God's Plan correct. Satan walks the Earth today and has a smile on His/Her Face. Perhaps Satan has a Female nature, that would answer a lot of questions regarding the last 60 years in America.

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Oh boy. I am so very sorry for you! Your ignorance as to the means to how the bible we have today got to be is astounding. You have no clue and you spew this uneducated dribble.

I am sorry for you.

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Just the opposite. That is what the no meant.

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The powers-that-be are frantic to get everyone jabbed before a critical mass of Americans start wondering why "unclassified" deaths soared to unprecedented levels after COVID "vaccines" were introduced in December. The CDC has yet to respond to my polite inquiries about this trend. Here is a video of how I got this data from the CDC website: https://rumble.com/vjav3j-navigating-the-cdcs-weekly-provisional-counts-of-death-website.html

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First rate article... one of the best I've read in quite some time. The Covid "masking" of America was little more than a test of their power to influence the population. The fact the mask is also a "gag" is not lost on many of us as we follow this regime's attempts to throttle back the communication of disparate ideas.

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If they have power- they do - and we comply- we do - is this not sufficient legitimacy?

Their legitimacy is they have the corner office, enough money to buy anyone for sale - and that’s most - and they have enough of the security services and the Generals (who’ll not have troops in the test I think, but that’s speculative) - and we have…

…Only words.

Poulos would be right on a logical, just planet , but its not.

When all you have are words, every problem looks like a debate. Perhaps we need Blacksmiths not wordsmiths, Blacksmiths bring hammers.

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