Of course the propaganda press can pretend forever. Göbbles did it until May 8, 1945 and Bagdad Bob did it until May 1, 2003.

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FauCHI the doctor who has no patients and has never treated anyone with his virus.

I would say he’s responsible for most of everything that has to do with the virus.

Paying a third party to do GoF. The guy is a Brit BTW (Dasak?). No one asking much about him. Why not?

Masks and Bill Gates...Tons of mask studies that all say what FauCHI did in his email. They don’t do anything. In reality though they make investors lots of money. Try convincing some people now after being gaslit for months.

Bill Gates who is not a researcher nor a scientist also involved. Weird.

FauCHI and the natural occurrence of virus. This is hilarious and he thinks everyone is dumb.

6 foot rule is made up nonsense. This is FauCHI.

I believe he said vaccines were government approved!!! He left off its approved for Emergency Use. All of them are still experimental and everyone is part of the experiment.

Would think more people might ask about long term side effects of a vaccine for something that really isn’t dangerous to most people...

I believe FauCHI still claiming that people who had is virus(he paid for it) still need a vaccine that he probably has some patent ownership in...No conflict there and human immune systems no longer work!!! Also the tyrant governors or guess stupid ones still claiming vax percents when people who have recovered should also be counted.

Moderna is the government vax or is it FauCHI’s?

How did the animal trials on the FauCHI virus/vax go?

Why is an Australian reporter getting scoops on FauCHI? Kind of weird.

Why are brain freeze and his peeps all the sudden interested in the FauCHI?

Would think some people who could ask questions would ask the right ones.

Could go on...but every Retched Whitmer out there is putting FauCHI’s name on every outrageous mandate.

States should do their own criminal investigation of FauCHI. The feds aren’t. Elected officials to busy worrying about themselves instead of ending this BS.

It’s the FauCHI-19. All elderly and children will pay for this the most.

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Of course, the media can pretend forever. Most people, to the extent they pay attention to the news at all, get it from CNN, the AP, the NYT, or one of the other "mainstream" sources that have been left-wing propagandists for decades. The people who know better lack political power and widespread visibility, and the Democrat-media complex is doing everything it can to keep it that way.

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Great piece! Love the line, "to gasps of wonderment and approval, the way benevolent aunts might applaud a 3-year old who has buttoned his pants correctly. )

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