Listen now | The American Mind’s Tell Me What You Really Think is a daily interview series featuring the host, Spencer Klavan, and The American Mind’s publisher and editors aimed at dissecting the issues facing us in America today and finding out what the cast really
Yes! Right below the web player is a "Listen in podcast app" button. Click on that and Substack will give you a link to import the episodes into your app of choice.
this is utter nonsense.... I am no fan of the Great Reset.... because it has been written about for almost 2 decades now. (in fact you can go back as far as the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter in the 40s and 50s with theory of "creative destruction" -- an early predecessor to the Great Reset philosophy... the fourth industrial revolution that Schwab praises has its origins during the first Bush administration: the collapse of the Soviet Union that deconstructed the world duopoly of two military powers, and the first Gulf War that opened the flood gates of the internet to civil society... it has all been globalization and virtual technological innovation since then.
there is nothing communist about the Great Reset... it is a shift from shareholder to stakeholder capitalism... another morphing of capitalism from the failed neoliberal paradigm of Milton Friedman that the WEF has backed for years (despite Schwab's early criticisms of Friedman) until now that it is on the verge of imploding. I fyou want to understand the Reset, get out of the regressive backward thinking of democracy/federalism vs fascism vs communism vs socialism and all these isms. So folks, don't waste your 15 minutes listening to this extremely amateurish review. They are way of the mark
Everyone wants on the great carousel! Glitter and oblivion for all! Except those in charge of course.
Offf-topic: is there a URL/feed for just these mini podcasts/interviews?
Yes! Right below the web player is a "Listen in podcast app" button. Click on that and Substack will give you a link to import the episodes into your app of choice.
The link for this episode is:
this is utter nonsense.... I am no fan of the Great Reset.... because it has been written about for almost 2 decades now. (in fact you can go back as far as the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter in the 40s and 50s with theory of "creative destruction" -- an early predecessor to the Great Reset philosophy... the fourth industrial revolution that Schwab praises has its origins during the first Bush administration: the collapse of the Soviet Union that deconstructed the world duopoly of two military powers, and the first Gulf War that opened the flood gates of the internet to civil society... it has all been globalization and virtual technological innovation since then.
there is nothing communist about the Great Reset... it is a shift from shareholder to stakeholder capitalism... another morphing of capitalism from the failed neoliberal paradigm of Milton Friedman that the WEF has backed for years (despite Schwab's early criticisms of Friedman) until now that it is on the verge of imploding. I fyou want to understand the Reset, get out of the regressive backward thinking of democracy/federalism vs fascism vs communism vs socialism and all these isms. So folks, don't waste your 15 minutes listening to this extremely amateurish review. They are way of the mark
Thank you anonymous internet thing for your astute review.
It might serve you well to look into the instructions on how to cook a frog.