Well David, we need not go back in history to ascertain the Conservative Inc problem- it is simply that we surrendered the battle to Republicans who had no stomach for the fight and were willing to adapt to the new culture to survive politically. They facilitated breaking our Constitutional government, stood by while Progressives took over academia, allowed white guilt and black victimhood to flourish and determine policy, and failed to educate the public as to why the Founding and its succeeding history were to be studied and cherished. And Conservative Inc didn't mutter a word in dissent. Fritz, fjmehr@usa.net
The fatal flaw of Conservative Inc is that most "conservatives" have fought for fairness, win or lose, while The Left Inc fights to win at all costs and every time. It's like conservatives are afraid and skeptical of their own premises or too pollyannish to call evil what it is. Meanwhile The Left, like good sociopaths, have absolutely no qualms about anything they stand for even to the point of forcibly imposing it on others.
The solution is to fight culturally, legally, politically, economically, and to fight now not when things get worse. Fight for THIS election not the next one. Fight for the school board positions, spend your money on safely conservative enterprises, etc. Or it WILL be lights out for Conservative Inc. and sooner than any of you think.
Perhaps one could start with the question, when did it become Conservative inc? My perspective is that began when the left infiltrated the conservatives of the day after WW2. How was this allowed to happen? Money. The oligarch's really don't adhere to any ideology but their own. But they were smart enough to realize we can fund both sides, control both sides with our money, until there becomes no difference in the Politician regardless of political party. Certainly this is true in the USA, Canada, UK and most western nations. The good news is we are watching Conservative incs demise, as they all reveal their true colors. Their was a million conservatives on the streets demanding their rights be heard, while Conservative inc " wants to let the transition begin." none of us in the USA have seen the organic support for a politician like DJT in our lifetimes. No not Reagan and not JFK. Not like this. This is not going away. As we watch the final act of the movie play out before us with our hero being inaugurated Jan 20, 2021 we will then official have moved into a new paradigm. The world is watching and the people of the planet are rooting for Trump. This will be the end of the Global Fascist agenda. We know the enemies of the people will pull back and regroup...evil never goes away...but there is zero chance we return to the status quo. ie. the media and our elites telling us what is good for us. The Great Awakening allows us the chance to build a much better future than the last 100 years of the Piscean Age. I welcome the openness and transparency that our future holds. Not so much for me, but for my kids and grand kids. I am excited to see what we can come up with.
The problem with conservative liberalism is that liberalism is based upon false premises and has always been an ideology for low IQ retards. Conservative liberalism cannot be fixed because liberalism cannot be fixed. Simple as that.
The problem is in the articulation of the central issue. Framing the cultural conflict in the terms "conservative" and "progressive" has always doomed the conservatives to failure. The implication is that the American culture is some vast edifice that is being "progressively" eroded by social forces while the "conservatives" attempt to preserve what remains. This is vanity and folly, and those who study history and philosophy should know better. It also has the added detriment of always putting conservatives on the defensive while the force of history sides with the progressives. What is needed is a forward thinking articulation of patriotic, Constitutional principles that sides with the flow of historical tides and trends, learns from its mistakes, actually does something to correct those mistakes and learns from the progressive movement how to effectively exercise and maintain power. A "Progressive" Right, as it were. This is what the establishment truly fears because they automatically label the flowering of such ideas as Fascism, usually of the ethno-centric variety. Its the only way forward.
Kaweah Kid points the way forward: "Patriotism—the New Conservatism of the Trump era—holds certain values, principles and the rule of law as sacred, non-fungible, and therefore outside of the domain of the comprisable." We must identify those values, principles, and governing ethos that we stand for and then educate the public as to their meaning, application, and promise of success. We could start with capitalism, individualism, and divided power and work our way from there. We can point to the unique level of prosperity, ingenuity, and progress made under these ideas while reminding that "equality," the principle yet to be realized, cannot be attained by government edict, but must be a cultural phenomenon. Such education must reach people where they are, not in a classroom or lecture hall. This is America's calling.
"Conservatives understand or at least intuit this, which is why we go on about tradition and turn seemingly small things into battle scenes of the Neverending Culture War."
I hate to be super critical but this assumes conservatives are on the right side of the culture war, which they are not. Conservatives also do not "intuit this," nor is "this" sufficient as even a starting point for political discourse anyway.
It is in this total absence of political theory and philosophical fundamentals, that conservatives end up grasping for straws and land on things like "tradition," "institution," "family," and other arbitrary, cargo cult-y attempts to explain a culture they do not understand. Also, Plutarch!
Anyway, RIP Conservatism indeed and good riddance.
Now is the best time for the actual ideals on which America was founded on to be put forward. People may actually find it a novel and refreshing alternative from the secular and religious collectivism of progressives and conservatives.
I agree with your analysis—as far as it goes. That is, you don’t tell us what the alternative is. By my lights, we will rescue this Nation’s founding principles by proclaiming the right of the individual to live and support himself without being accused of being “selfish.”
Agreed! To put this problem in the historical context of the American Revolution, the "Loyalists" (Whigs) were all about getting by, thinking that they could hold on to more of their lives by mortgaging their sacred honor. The Patriots, on the other hand, kept their honor.
That honor does not now find itself exemplified in Conservative, Inc. And maybe that is the problem. Conservatism as a business will sell anything to remain in business because anything can be commodified and exchanged.
Patriotism—the New Conservatism of the Trump era—holds certain values, principles and the rule of law as sacred, non-fungible, and therefore outside of the domain of the comprisable.
The modern Progressive has an unfair advantage in the culture wars in that, having succumb to moral relativism, the tactics available to them are not limited or hemmed-in by any code of conduct that must be followed while pursuing their objectives. Those who hail from a more traditional place must adhere to antiquated things like the 10 commandments. This puts them at severe disadvantage.
Whom does Conservative Inc speak for? Our international corporate regime? The same people who pay our LARPing “politicians”?
I have come to accept our regime. A faceless international conglomerate who doesn’t care about culture nor countries (or maybe just theirs). These wraiths only care about people as little economic batteries, hence the non stop flow of Illegal aliens and “refugees”. I believe the buzz term for this is “economic growth” or maybe some other slogan.
The way forward is truth on how things really work. How and why many laws are passed in the dark and most normals never know until it’s in their face. The root of why many parts of the country are Democrat strongholds. How the political parties operate (ex. donations raised gets the better committee spots and not some bs reason like leadership.)
Need leaders who believe what they say and back it up with action not fantasy. These same new leaders should actually know the country (road trip). All policies should be focused on protecting and securing the American culture here at home first. Need more men to be actually men of integrity and honor, instead of worrying about people liking them. Never giving in nor giving up.
I’m not sure Conservative Inc was trying to conserve anything but their paychecks. This is some what understandable. I have no doubt some are good people and needed a job. I’m going to bet many are not conservative and said whatever needed said to get paid. Maybe they should just be considered entertainment?
Conservative Inc doesn't see that the Children of Satan are the architects behind the dissolution of culture. The only actions which will protect the people are the arrest and institutionalization of any and all sodomites, gender deviants, and abortionists. Fortunately, Christians are being granted an unprecedented opportunity in the form of social media. Before, sodomites and deviants kept their sin to themselves. Now they post their sin all over social media. Anyone who has ever engaged in this sin is known to the state through social media, and can easily be removed from society. We must act now to secure the future. https://jamescwijck.substack.com/p/a-traditional-catholics-manifesto
This post advocates bigotry, intolerance, arrogance, and self-righteousness at odds with our founding principles. While we can tolerate the exercise of free speech, we cannot allow thinking of this kind to stand. Does James really mean to put people in jail for acts HE sees as sinful? Even the Pope would not sign up for this agenda. Can this post be a black joke of some sort?
This is the Traditional Catholic Integralist approach to an explicitly evil sin against God and Natural Law, one that corrupts children, and sets women against their husbands. Look to the Popes for guidance. https://thejosias.com/2018/08/30/horrendum-illud-scelus/
" Therefore, wishing to pursue with greater rigor than we have exerted since the beginning of our pontificate, we establish that any priest or member of the clergy, either secular or regular, who commits such an execrable crime, by force of the present law be deprived of every clerical privilege, of every post, dignity and ecclesiastical benefice, and having been degraded by an ecclesiastical judge, let him be immediately delivered to the secular authority to be put to death, as mandated by law as the fitting punishment for laymen who have sunk into this abyss."
The primary problem in America, as well as the rest of the West, is that we have been hoodwinked over many decades. This has been done to us. Who hates Christianity and embraces other faiths to combat us? Who is Anti-Christ? Who has opened the proverbial gates to let the invaders in? I know the answers. Do you?
We arrived at this place because we are the proverbial frog in the pot of water being slowly brought to a boil. Vigilance is required to maintain freedom and acknowledging God as our Creator is required to maintain any true and lasting morals.
Your comment about the deadly Capitol Hill theatrics-
“That event has been distorted and insufficiently explored”
100% agree
That says a lot about the current state of our country right there. The “powers that be” fostered the narrative, buried facts, hid evidence & a woman was
-whispering voice- “murdered” (by the left’s own metrics) with not a peep of concern or dissection of why she was shot breaking a window. Unbelievable
Well David, we need not go back in history to ascertain the Conservative Inc problem- it is simply that we surrendered the battle to Republicans who had no stomach for the fight and were willing to adapt to the new culture to survive politically. They facilitated breaking our Constitutional government, stood by while Progressives took over academia, allowed white guilt and black victimhood to flourish and determine policy, and failed to educate the public as to why the Founding and its succeeding history were to be studied and cherished. And Conservative Inc didn't mutter a word in dissent. Fritz, fjmehr@usa.net
The fatal flaw of Conservative Inc is that most "conservatives" have fought for fairness, win or lose, while The Left Inc fights to win at all costs and every time. It's like conservatives are afraid and skeptical of their own premises or too pollyannish to call evil what it is. Meanwhile The Left, like good sociopaths, have absolutely no qualms about anything they stand for even to the point of forcibly imposing it on others.
The solution is to fight culturally, legally, politically, economically, and to fight now not when things get worse. Fight for THIS election not the next one. Fight for the school board positions, spend your money on safely conservative enterprises, etc. Or it WILL be lights out for Conservative Inc. and sooner than any of you think.
Perhaps one could start with the question, when did it become Conservative inc? My perspective is that began when the left infiltrated the conservatives of the day after WW2. How was this allowed to happen? Money. The oligarch's really don't adhere to any ideology but their own. But they were smart enough to realize we can fund both sides, control both sides with our money, until there becomes no difference in the Politician regardless of political party. Certainly this is true in the USA, Canada, UK and most western nations. The good news is we are watching Conservative incs demise, as they all reveal their true colors. Their was a million conservatives on the streets demanding their rights be heard, while Conservative inc " wants to let the transition begin." none of us in the USA have seen the organic support for a politician like DJT in our lifetimes. No not Reagan and not JFK. Not like this. This is not going away. As we watch the final act of the movie play out before us with our hero being inaugurated Jan 20, 2021 we will then official have moved into a new paradigm. The world is watching and the people of the planet are rooting for Trump. This will be the end of the Global Fascist agenda. We know the enemies of the people will pull back and regroup...evil never goes away...but there is zero chance we return to the status quo. ie. the media and our elites telling us what is good for us. The Great Awakening allows us the chance to build a much better future than the last 100 years of the Piscean Age. I welcome the openness and transparency that our future holds. Not so much for me, but for my kids and grand kids. I am excited to see what we can come up with.
The problem with conservative liberalism is that liberalism is based upon false premises and has always been an ideology for low IQ retards. Conservative liberalism cannot be fixed because liberalism cannot be fixed. Simple as that.
The problem is in the articulation of the central issue. Framing the cultural conflict in the terms "conservative" and "progressive" has always doomed the conservatives to failure. The implication is that the American culture is some vast edifice that is being "progressively" eroded by social forces while the "conservatives" attempt to preserve what remains. This is vanity and folly, and those who study history and philosophy should know better. It also has the added detriment of always putting conservatives on the defensive while the force of history sides with the progressives. What is needed is a forward thinking articulation of patriotic, Constitutional principles that sides with the flow of historical tides and trends, learns from its mistakes, actually does something to correct those mistakes and learns from the progressive movement how to effectively exercise and maintain power. A "Progressive" Right, as it were. This is what the establishment truly fears because they automatically label the flowering of such ideas as Fascism, usually of the ethno-centric variety. Its the only way forward.
Kaweah Kid points the way forward: "Patriotism—the New Conservatism of the Trump era—holds certain values, principles and the rule of law as sacred, non-fungible, and therefore outside of the domain of the comprisable." We must identify those values, principles, and governing ethos that we stand for and then educate the public as to their meaning, application, and promise of success. We could start with capitalism, individualism, and divided power and work our way from there. We can point to the unique level of prosperity, ingenuity, and progress made under these ideas while reminding that "equality," the principle yet to be realized, cannot be attained by government edict, but must be a cultural phenomenon. Such education must reach people where they are, not in a classroom or lecture hall. This is America's calling.
"Conservatives understand or at least intuit this, which is why we go on about tradition and turn seemingly small things into battle scenes of the Neverending Culture War."
I hate to be super critical but this assumes conservatives are on the right side of the culture war, which they are not. Conservatives also do not "intuit this," nor is "this" sufficient as even a starting point for political discourse anyway.
It is in this total absence of political theory and philosophical fundamentals, that conservatives end up grasping for straws and land on things like "tradition," "institution," "family," and other arbitrary, cargo cult-y attempts to explain a culture they do not understand. Also, Plutarch!
Anyway, RIP Conservatism indeed and good riddance.
Now is the best time for the actual ideals on which America was founded on to be put forward. People may actually find it a novel and refreshing alternative from the secular and religious collectivism of progressives and conservatives.
I agree with your analysis—as far as it goes. That is, you don’t tell us what the alternative is. By my lights, we will rescue this Nation’s founding principles by proclaiming the right of the individual to live and support himself without being accused of being “selfish.”
Agreed! To put this problem in the historical context of the American Revolution, the "Loyalists" (Whigs) were all about getting by, thinking that they could hold on to more of their lives by mortgaging their sacred honor. The Patriots, on the other hand, kept their honor.
That honor does not now find itself exemplified in Conservative, Inc. And maybe that is the problem. Conservatism as a business will sell anything to remain in business because anything can be commodified and exchanged.
Patriotism—the New Conservatism of the Trump era—holds certain values, principles and the rule of law as sacred, non-fungible, and therefore outside of the domain of the comprisable.
The modern Progressive has an unfair advantage in the culture wars in that, having succumb to moral relativism, the tactics available to them are not limited or hemmed-in by any code of conduct that must be followed while pursuing their objectives. Those who hail from a more traditional place must adhere to antiquated things like the 10 commandments. This puts them at severe disadvantage.
Whom does Conservative Inc speak for? Our international corporate regime? The same people who pay our LARPing “politicians”?
I have come to accept our regime. A faceless international conglomerate who doesn’t care about culture nor countries (or maybe just theirs). These wraiths only care about people as little economic batteries, hence the non stop flow of Illegal aliens and “refugees”. I believe the buzz term for this is “economic growth” or maybe some other slogan.
The way forward is truth on how things really work. How and why many laws are passed in the dark and most normals never know until it’s in their face. The root of why many parts of the country are Democrat strongholds. How the political parties operate (ex. donations raised gets the better committee spots and not some bs reason like leadership.)
Need leaders who believe what they say and back it up with action not fantasy. These same new leaders should actually know the country (road trip). All policies should be focused on protecting and securing the American culture here at home first. Need more men to be actually men of integrity and honor, instead of worrying about people liking them. Never giving in nor giving up.
I’m not sure Conservative Inc was trying to conserve anything but their paychecks. This is some what understandable. I have no doubt some are good people and needed a job. I’m going to bet many are not conservative and said whatever needed said to get paid. Maybe they should just be considered entertainment?
Conservative Inc doesn't see that the Children of Satan are the architects behind the dissolution of culture. The only actions which will protect the people are the arrest and institutionalization of any and all sodomites, gender deviants, and abortionists. Fortunately, Christians are being granted an unprecedented opportunity in the form of social media. Before, sodomites and deviants kept their sin to themselves. Now they post their sin all over social media. Anyone who has ever engaged in this sin is known to the state through social media, and can easily be removed from society. We must act now to secure the future. https://jamescwijck.substack.com/p/a-traditional-catholics-manifesto
This post advocates bigotry, intolerance, arrogance, and self-righteousness at odds with our founding principles. While we can tolerate the exercise of free speech, we cannot allow thinking of this kind to stand. Does James really mean to put people in jail for acts HE sees as sinful? Even the Pope would not sign up for this agenda. Can this post be a black joke of some sort?
This is the Traditional Catholic Integralist approach to an explicitly evil sin against God and Natural Law, one that corrupts children, and sets women against their husbands. Look to the Popes for guidance. https://thejosias.com/2018/08/30/horrendum-illud-scelus/
" Therefore, wishing to pursue with greater rigor than we have exerted since the beginning of our pontificate, we establish that any priest or member of the clergy, either secular or regular, who commits such an execrable crime, by force of the present law be deprived of every clerical privilege, of every post, dignity and ecclesiastical benefice, and having been degraded by an ecclesiastical judge, let him be immediately delivered to the secular authority to be put to death, as mandated by law as the fitting punishment for laymen who have sunk into this abyss."
So 'traditional' it was written in 1568! We've come a long way since then.
The primary problem in America, as well as the rest of the West, is that we have been hoodwinked over many decades. This has been done to us. Who hates Christianity and embraces other faiths to combat us? Who is Anti-Christ? Who has opened the proverbial gates to let the invaders in? I know the answers. Do you?
We arrived at this place because we are the proverbial frog in the pot of water being slowly brought to a boil. Vigilance is required to maintain freedom and acknowledging God as our Creator is required to maintain any true and lasting morals.
The question never asked or answered is just WHO put the water in the pot, put it on the stove and put us in it.
Fritz, 100%
Your comment about the deadly Capitol Hill theatrics-
“That event has been distorted and insufficiently explored”
100% agree
That says a lot about the current state of our country right there. The “powers that be” fostered the narrative, buried facts, hid evidence & a woman was
-whispering voice- “murdered” (by the left’s own metrics) with not a peep of concern or dissection of why she was shot breaking a window. Unbelievable