Great Freudian slip, Spencer. At the end you talk about we listeners having any "returning to covid anxieties" to which I say, definitely. I don't EVER want to "return to covid" but return to a mask-free, smiling, friendly world? All for it! It is infuriating to read articles about the ineffectiveness of masking while living in a seriously-masked environment!

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Should be return to normal with the small number of vulnerable staying home. But that’s not the plan...

It’s dehumanizing masks that don’t stop viruses, made up social distancing, alternative schedules, vax papers for everyone, and cleaning surfaces with bleach that doesn’t do anything for this virus since it’s an aerosol. If everyone is wearing masks and doing so called alternate schedules will you still have met or seen anyone? Not really.

Hypocritical? Or is it “safe”? All of those “mitigation” processes look more ceremonial than effective. More like a demoralization campaign than common sense? It’s amazing the amount of people who still watch TV.

Maybe they should stop playing games and let people go back without masks and drop all the fascist wet dream fantasies of telling people how to live? But if games are still being played why would people want to go back?

The winning ticket is this... Just go back. Mask is choice. Vax none of their business. Pretend the term social distancing never existed. Vulnerable stay home if they feel it’s necessary. This is not hard...States who do this will be rewarded. But sociopaths are running things.

I would fire FauCHI as well or send him back to munchkin land.

Working from home is great. People used to work mainly from home. I know that seems like it was in the Dark Ages before our gerbil cage cities of crime and of buying things that mostly don’t make our lives better and all of that.

The revolution will continue. No coincidences in politics.

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