Burn it to the ground. It's a profoundly unserious organization that is more worried about decorum than honoring the constitution and the people they represent. While Romney, Rubio, Graham and their ilk remain in their ranks reform is impossible. The GOP/Chamber of Commerce/and Heritage foundation elites stand in the way of the Founder's vision. Replace.

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We must look at each incoming politician's merit. The party system is broken and has had irreparable damage. Both parties have caused this.

Americans must remain vigilant as to who we elect into any office. We must immediately recall those who do not serve the needs of their immediate constituents. America should NEVER have career politicians again. Ever.

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Democrats would never allow their constituents to be scapegoated. Even when wrong democrats defend democrats. That will be GOPs biggest hurdle. We trusted Mitch. Turns out he is married to one the wealthiest Chinese families. And is scapegoating the entire country on actions of very few operating under no banner and wearing no uniform. I begged MAGA for four years to support the message not the messenger.

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I'd like to see a party that believes in our country's fundamentals and institutions, but not attached to any present day "ism". I am not and have never been someone who celebrates President Trump's "style" but what happened to the institution of the Presidency over the past four years is an absolute travesty. Looking for middle ground in a conservative movement.

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Given what happened just after Spencer and Ryan recorded this episode, I can't wait to hear the followup.

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