The message is clear: Don't run for office if you've been an entrepreneur or a for-profit businesses person of any kind, because the state will comb through every business deal you've ever been involved in with a fine tooth comb.

That way all political candidates have to come from a government or nonprofit background, the kind of backgrounds that requires a high level of deference to authority. That's the goal of a sclerotic, self-dealing public sector.

They've got their sweet government jobs and fat government pensions, and they certainly don't want any outsiders coming in and screwing up their lucrative, taxpayer-funded sinecures.

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Florida should pass a law granting him a right to not be extradited and if possible, direct the governor to pardon him for any crime he may have committed. The communist idea of “Show me the man, and I will find you the crime” is so unAmerican that 74 million deplorable may take to the streets. I will as I did as a TEA Party director.

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This sort of thing really makes me despair for the country. Don't they understand the kind of damage they're causing?

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Prosecutors didn’t turn a blind eye before he was president... they just didn’t have sufficient detail/suspicion to justify an investigation... that’s plainly not the case now.

It would be perverse to think, that because he became president, all crimes committed prior to his presidency are excused.

This is a ludicrous opinion.

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Yours is a ludicrous opinion. The only reason they are investigating is for political punishment. Democrats are the scum of the Earth.

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What crimes were they again? And do you really think anyone at that level does their own taxes or valuations? And the financial institutions that accepted them never gave their risk position a second thought and did some due diligence? And state and local tax assessors never looked at any of the properties?

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lol. They are prosecuting him because Orange Man Bad. It's the same as the Russia Hoax, the Impeachment Hoaxes, and the Election Fraud. All fake, all done by people abusing their power because they didn't like Trump or his policies.

Yours is a ludicrous opinion.

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"Prosecutors didn’t turn a blind eye before he was president... they just didn’t have sufficient detail/suspicion to justify an investigation... that’s plainly not the case now."

The only "detail/suspicion" they could possibly have now which they didn't have then would involve his actions as president. QED.

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Well, aren't you the clever one, calling someone's thoughts ludicrous. Adjust your mirror.

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