A summation of the article:

Voters: Reagan

Establishment: "Read my lips" Bush

V: Contract with America!

E: Compassionate conservative Bush

V: Scott "Stop Obamacare" Brown!!

E: Romneycare for President!



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It’s going to take courage, will, and focus. Whomever it’s going to be is going to need some help from not just the voters but the entrenched.

A new party or takeover of whatever party needs real goals by real leadership. Leaders who mean what they say and say what they mean. Not actors, hype men, or plants by donors who don’t give a crap about the US. Goals centered on the Constitution and Declaration and not self destruction and tyranny. US economic goals and not goals of foreigners who hate America. Win for all Americans. Going to need protections from the various adversaries as well.

The Cheney (U-DC) stuff smells of the McMuffin (U-DC) strat (whatever his name was). Splitter strat, controlled opposition, whatever. It’s boring and predictable. No one cares about Cheney. Now what we know about voting did anyone really vote for her?

She’s going to leak a bunch of stuff etc...To all the leftist “newz”. Influencing somewhere near zero people. If the Republicons meant business they would toss her out of the party but they are busy pretending and reading scripts. Too bad Not-a-Leader McCarthy (U-DC) is not going with her...

A humble person might just bail out and go away and enjoy their club earned riches. But that’s not the plan is it?

Lots of work to be done.

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I don’t like that the Republicans made the Cheney votes anonymously.

The devil is in the details & there Is way more to this story I’m sure.

The establishment works harder to take out people that fight for the voters than they accomplish meaningful legislation to help their own constituents.

I find that nauseating.

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All Uniparty stuff.

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Just another ridiculous attempt to redefine "conservative" into a strawman that can be more easily attacked. The conservatives have always supported the anti-establishment candidates: Goldwater, Nixon, Reagan, and Trump, along with many failed primary challengers through the years. Everyone recognized that the nomination of the establishment candidates Dole, the two Bushes, and McCain represented a defeat for conservatives.

Conservatives have always been subjected to these kinds of lies by other supposedly anti-establishment types whose real disagreement with conservatives wouldn't play as well with their audience. Libertarians really don't like conservative opposition to abortion and libertine morality. Neocons don't like the conservative opposition to foreign adventurism, and the alt-right don't like conservative opposition to identity politics. In all of these cases the conservative position is more popular than not, so people instead attack them with lies about who conservatives are.

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So we don't have to. Simple.

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