The US has been sowing the wind for more than 70 years and the whirlwind is now upon us. But, as Lincoln recalled on March 4, 1865 , “the judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”
I was born at the dawn of the American Empire and it is stunning to witness the verification of the old observation that civilizations collapse slowly at first and then all of a sudden. I’m afraid we no longer have social and political institutions to deal with the great chastisement that is near.
I live not far from a small Amish community. I think of them more often these days. They seem a more pure, unadulterated human by the common insanity of these days. Hard working, peaceful, healthy, strong and unbothered by current events, they are teaching their children to work the land, ride horses, raise crops, be self-sufficient. In our “advanced” social media-obsessed society, it is they who seem better off these days.
The US has been sowing the wind for more than 70 years and the whirlwind is now upon us. But, as Lincoln recalled on March 4, 1865 , “the judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”
I was born at the dawn of the American Empire and it is stunning to witness the verification of the old observation that civilizations collapse slowly at first and then all of a sudden. I’m afraid we no longer have social and political institutions to deal with the great chastisement that is near.
I live not far from a small Amish community. I think of them more often these days. They seem a more pure, unadulterated human by the common insanity of these days. Hard working, peaceful, healthy, strong and unbothered by current events, they are teaching their children to work the land, ride horses, raise crops, be self-sufficient. In our “advanced” social media-obsessed society, it is they who seem better off these days.
I do not think they care. In order to be elite, you must laugh at humanity give them no more consideration than raising a goat.
I love this piece but we have nearly lost the battle.
Great work!