Liberal establishment then: “Lawrence v. Texas is about my right to sodomy. Isn’t that what ’true’ freedom is? Thinking that this would lead to normalize pedophilia is outlandish and is a slippery slope”

Well turns out the slope was slippery and now we have kids being kinked out for their parents pleasure.

“Maybe they will stop after one”. Who are kidding next we will bring Sodom and Gomorrah to the 21st century.

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Brilliant. I touched upon on this here: https://mehreenkasana.substack.com/p/qui-totum-vult-totum-perdit

The last passage is key, especially Roy's insistence upon resurrecting childhood innocence as a necessary political principle. I imagine this will require aggressive action taken not only by parents but also people who don't have children but who do feel an ethical and moral obligation to care about the young of the society. It is rare to see Americans earnestly care about their young and old without demanding some kind of political purity.

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The left is the party of evil. Godless. Virtueless. Research Communist forefathers. Perversion is a characteristic. Murder is a characteristic—of millions. The present regime in DC must be stopped at all levels all institutions.

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“Our children are being completely sexualized, but at least we’re not socialist right guys? Right? Right?” -Every coomservative rn

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