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Poulos, Bahr and Gannon are wishful dreamers who expect a counter- reaction to the election and the Progressive-Liberal agenda we already see in Biden's plans and picks. With media and academia poisoning the intellectual waters, this simply isn't going to happen. The white pill may lie with the American people- those between the coasts, who saw the importance of this election but failed to put aside their hatred of Trump ( PEW says 56% of Biden voters actually voted against Trump) to support his agenda for America. That means that over 100 million didn't vote for Biden! If we can get Trump to go back to playing golf and find someone who can MAGA without the ego trips and drama (both Ifs are big ones) the intervening four disastrous years may contain the ingredients for a resurgence of the American democracy. Who can sound the "Certain Trumpet?" Fritz fjmehr@usa.net

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>our innate pride

Wow! Far out, babe! Im gonna quit Ayn Rand's "moral ambition" for conservatism. I dont have to earn pride. No spiritual sweating here. No ungentlemanly, Silicon Valley focusing of the mind. Gentlemen lounge in smoking jackets, are fed peeled grapes and contemplate their nav...er, ah...innate pride. Im born with it. A rebel yell for that. Yeehaw! Or, at least, "we" are, whoever we are. I hope that Im among the Elect. Is there a list somewhere or is it revealed? Lets see. Tertullian is and Jeff Bezos is not. Yessir. Thats a culture worth a march (or a goosestep) thru the institutions. The last shall be first. The poor of spirit will be drunk with power or Wild Irish Rose. Ignorance is bliss or, at least, innately proud. Not, of course, proud of one's individual achievement. That would be too...individual.

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