In response to MPhillipB: On the contrary, individualism is to only means by which "a better life" can be defined. If one is unable to define this quality for himself, or isn't allowed to, some superior human dictates his condition for him and it may not be to his liking. In that case, the individual may decide not to strive for a condition he did not want and thus will not act to his full potential. This is the socialist problem in a nutshell.
You guys alluded to, but missed the key to human potential- INDIVIDUALISM! This is the paradigm that causes each person to strive for a better life for himself, for his offspring, for humanity. Individualism was the brainchild of Martin Luther and can be seen in the relative status of the protestant countries he influenced compared to the catholic countries that adhered to the Church. A single question illustrates; what Latin American country is democratic, stable, and prosperous? Answer: none! But we Americans (and the Germans, Brits, Australians, Canadians) benefitted from the individual paradigm from our beginnings and created, through hard work, sacrifice, and dedication a nation of unparalleled opportunity and potential. Thus to answer the question, wasted human potential exists in those countries where this key concept does not exist. Fritz
In response to MPhillipB: On the contrary, individualism is to only means by which "a better life" can be defined. If one is unable to define this quality for himself, or isn't allowed to, some superior human dictates his condition for him and it may not be to his liking. In that case, the individual may decide not to strive for a condition he did not want and thus will not act to his full potential. This is the socialist problem in a nutshell.
You guys alluded to, but missed the key to human potential- INDIVIDUALISM! This is the paradigm that causes each person to strive for a better life for himself, for his offspring, for humanity. Individualism was the brainchild of Martin Luther and can be seen in the relative status of the protestant countries he influenced compared to the catholic countries that adhered to the Church. A single question illustrates; what Latin American country is democratic, stable, and prosperous? Answer: none! But we Americans (and the Germans, Brits, Australians, Canadians) benefitted from the individual paradigm from our beginnings and created, through hard work, sacrifice, and dedication a nation of unparalleled opportunity and potential. Thus to answer the question, wasted human potential exists in those countries where this key concept does not exist. Fritz