Reclaiming language will take some courage. No need to over-Trump it. We all know our manners. But we also know we just have to call a spade a spade, a lie a lie. We must eloquently and mercilessly call out and condemn Newspeak whenever and wherever we see it. And we can rest assured that many will agree with us, silently or otherwise. If, with our polite but devastating condemnations of leftist totalitarian Newspeak, we can inspire others to speak out, so much the better.
By the way, why not get Bryan Garner into this discussion?
Very true. A Catholic or conservative should never use leftist language or ideology. Never call them "homosexual". They are sodomites. A woman is a woman, a man is a man, and there is no such thing as "gay" "marriage". Sodomites don't have sex. They are committing the sin and crime against nature known as sodomy.
Reclaiming language will take some courage. No need to over-Trump it. We all know our manners. But we also know we just have to call a spade a spade, a lie a lie. We must eloquently and mercilessly call out and condemn Newspeak whenever and wherever we see it. And we can rest assured that many will agree with us, silently or otherwise. If, with our polite but devastating condemnations of leftist totalitarian Newspeak, we can inspire others to speak out, so much the better.
By the way, why not get Bryan Garner into this discussion?
Very true. A Catholic or conservative should never use leftist language or ideology. Never call them "homosexual". They are sodomites. A woman is a woman, a man is a man, and there is no such thing as "gay" "marriage". Sodomites don't have sex. They are committing the sin and crime against nature known as sodomy.