Noem do herself any favors. I used to be a fan.....

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No matter what we need to be a team. A strong team has each other's back no matter what. Let's stay strong and have her back, she wanted bill to be stronger and more protective

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Legislatures need to get to work on putting the brakes on male prisoners who will soon be volunteering for women’s prison. This is good how?

If fights are never fought you will definitely lose. Those lawyers should know this joke...What do you call a defendant who won’t take the stand for himself? A convict. Maybe the should look up the root word and origin of the word “testify” or “testimony “ as well before giving up on what’s right.

Same with stopping the digital “Star of David”. The so called vax passport. The feds will keep up hysterics and have the non-elected feudal companies implement instead and call it freedom. Non-government interference!!! Back door to tyranny more like it and more invasiveness. Vax now then what? Religion? How many fillings in my teeth? Political views?

Last I checked could just declare “sanctuary” against laws people don’t like. Why worry about losing? Nullification is a thing I believe.

Never give in! Never give up!

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