This is just one more act in the Left's insistance on weaponizing history. Lincoln's birthday was a recognition of the official movement and enforcement of the elimination of slavery. Democrats want to erase him and substitute a date, but they ujse a term that just emphasises bad english usage when they should celebrate the specific date...which, if you want to be legally correct, would seem to be December 18th, (1865), when the ratification was proclaimed. But worse than that is the discussion's apparent concern that the Left not be embarrassed or "accussed" but rather gently prodded for their efforts. That is absurd. First of all, since welfare has been paid out for years with virtually no work, learning, or public service required, I would add up that sum and tell the poor that that was your "reparations" and from now on money from the government will be based on being in a job training program, working on a WPA style service program, child payments based on both 80% attendance AND "B" or better grades. This will make the money received EARNED and thus add to the recipients' feeling of self-worth. Giving money leads to anger because the "gift" says they aren't good or smart enough to support themselves...it is disrespectful. As for the Democrat/Leftists/Baizuo population...they are showing themselves to be racist themselves, and depend on continuing to promote it so as to retain power.

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Hmm. December 18, 1865 was the actual proclamation date of the ratification of the 13th Amendment.

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Funny to bring up the language of Alpha/Beta here. Why not adopt its recommendations explicitly?

View this whole thing as a shit test from a girlfriend throwing a tantrum to get attention.

- Frame her as "on your side, but below you," not your enemy.

- Agree and Amplify to illustrate the absurdity.

- Purposefully misunderstand it as compliment.

- Trying to be "nice" ("I'm on your side after all") but then getting angry at the shit test is how you fail.

It's hard because men-to-men, we want to talk earnestly about what we see as the truth, without games or kayfabe. Leftism is essentially women's nature in the form of a movement. They want a strong hand that will set limits for them as well as protect them. Thus they push and push until either the strong hand emerges, or they get a beta-orbiter ("ally") who gives into whatever they ask for. The Right needs to have more noblesse oblige. Yes, set limits, but then *invite* them to your parties. Show them what a good time it is to celebrate the nation in unity.

Being "above it all" doesn't just mean ignoring or dunking on the Left (imagine doing that to your GF). It also means throwing good parties, building attractive institutions, or floating flattering unifying narratives. Then they can come along, as long as they play ball.

Hard on a dispersed national level of course. But you guys are closer to that vibe than most.

And as an organized can set a consistent narrative and be a seed for the rest of the pattern to propagate from. On the other hand, in these niched internet days, it's much easier to get followers by pointing-and-laughing than by being a unifying force. But as "Americanists" I hope you can do both at least 60/40.

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