Something I find interesting is this 30% of the GOP Faithful mentioned in this interview and the memo who are not on board with the GOP appealing to working class voters. I know a number of them and outside of a handful of libertarians who are completely against pulling the levers of government power for any reason, most seem to oppose the move on stylistic grounds (it requires mean tweets and they're totally against that) or their afraid it requires taking positions that will upset Democrats.

Don't know if there's any way to accommodate this bunch.

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Banks hit the bullseye, and it's long past time for the GOP to realize its future hangs on the middle class. Without our work ethic, creativity, our craftsmen, service providers, small business owners and other entrepreneurs, we'd soon lose all spirit of entrepreneurship, liberty, and self-reliance. We worker bees are clearly being targeted by the Left. The Left is not "pushing their radical agenda"--THEY'RE OUT TO OBLITERATE US! We the People in the trenches can see it; we're being starved out economically and all the GOP can do is...what? [crickets] Trump gave us a voice, and better yet, outstanding, tangible RESULTS. The Lincoln Project's Pyrrhic victory against Trump has already cost America dearly, in lives and freedoms and life savings lost. Whether our nation can ever recover remains to be seen. Banks' plan is a good one, and no time like the present.

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I just wanna add that earlier today a Democrat mayor in Nevada just switched parties arguing from the same position the memo comes from.

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I just wanna add that earlier today a Democrat mayor in Nevada just switched parties arguing from the same position the memo comes from.

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Knowledge, courage, and sheer will with a righteous focus creates leaders. Some will fail but if a person has these traits they will already know this and will do it anyway. Others will succeed and plow the road. These people make others worry about them.

A group of people with these traits would be an unstoppable force.

The focus should be what’s right for all Americans and to stop the abuses, stop the excuses, and stop the madness.

For example...

Letting crazy and abusive parents decide they want their child to be a different gender through permanent mutilation is madness. So called Doctors performing this on children is madness. No one is for this but a small minority and they’re crazy or part of Big Pharma. The Governor of Arkansas who is a perfect example of not doing the right thing.

Letting male criminals go to female prisons...Eventually most of the male criminals will volunteer. Nothing bad could come of this right!!! Also madness!

Open borders =no western countries! A free market that is really controlled markets, War on drugs but not a real war just a make money off of all the pain war, etc...abuse and madness

All abuses with attached excuses.

Europe and mainly England have experienced all the above years ago and it’s still going. Why are we following? Why aren’t the rest of the worlds countries and peoples following if it’s so great? Why would a sane Republican or Democrat would think this is good? Abusing people, pumping in poison, allowing adversaries to rule is good when again?

Be the plow. Protect freedom for all Americans. Never give in and never give up.

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How typical is all this? The call is supposed to be what the damn GOP in DC can and should do and the answer is let the voter commit employment suicide and, channelling the awful Kevin Williamson, move out of your trailer park.

The GOP cannot be save.

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How typical is all this? The call is supposed to be what the damn GOP in DC can and should do and the answer is let the voter commit employment suicide and, channelling the awful Kevin Williamson, move out of your trailer park.

The GOP cannot be save.

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I wouldn't discount Democrats' fixation with wanting to help the proverbial Underdog. Blue Collar types fit into that category for a time but things got better for them. I think Dems to some extent decided their "work was done" and are miffed they slipped behind. Add to that working class Americans' interests often clash with the new victim classes (women, minorities, illegal aliens, gays, etc).

Not saying soulless electoral calculation isn't a big part of the abandonment, but I think it's a bit more complicated.

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Because classes exist,

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So you're telling me there's nothing different between a lawyer with a Yale JD and an electrician who learned his job in the Navy?

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