The self-designated elites are for grabbing more POWER! Until we understand this, there is no remedy! It is not complex. Humans always lust for more POWER once they have a little. There is no regime that will survive it. A machine-driven regime is only supposedly an unassailable dictatorship. This is something science fiction novelists worked over in the 1950's. The leaders today just lustfully desire total power: Leftist religion at work!

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Wow dude, you must be sooo freakin' smart with all these long quasi-philosophical terms you're using. You must have read loads and loads of books. I wish I were as smart as you.

Wait. Maybe that's the problem. For the general reader out there - have you ever wondered if you're being hoodwinked or taken for a ride? Consider James Poulos' sentence below from the second paragraph:

"Here the history of political thought becomes so complex that normal people can’t be bothered to plow through it in search of a resolution."

Oh the irony!! I almost spat out my coffee when I read that. You just don't see it, do you Mr Poulos? I find it pretty amazing that you are Executive Editor at a conservative think-tank and yet your writing style is desperately crying out to be edited. I just read some of your UK Guardian articles from 2008-10 and to be honest, your writing has barely improved. In fact, I would say it has gotten worse.

If you really want to educate the layperson about the history of political and philosophical thought and its relevance to twenty-first century American society, perhaps state your aims and theses clearly and succinctly within the first two paragraphs?? No, too hard for you? OK, no problem.

Example of meaningless waffle:

"The multitude must be made to see itself as possessing a spirit of rectitude powerful enough to animate a historical overworking of both the legacy society and the legacy regime: only this will demonstrate how humans deserve honors far greater than even those due to the machines that will increasingly take over responsibility for making the new regime deliver on the promises of the new spirit of the multitude."

First off, what precisely do you mean by 'the multitude' - care to be more specific? This is also the first time in the article you bring up the concept of 'the legacy society and legacy regime.' Errr, again, what is that?? I don't even know where to begin with the style and language that you have used in this paragraph and throughout the article; it is so devoid of concrete examples and a solid, well though-out thesis, that I really despair. I thought the American Mind staff cared about what words mean and how they are employed in *precise*, contextually specific ways, no? Doesn't appear that way to me.

If I understand what you're trying to say, you're essentially arguing that the entire world is about to be taken over by a giant computerized AI system run by China (or the western equivalent of the CCP - the nod to 'the social credit system' was the giveaway). Also that humans will soon no longer be able to think or feel for themselves, correct?

I am afraid that you sound like a crazed conspiracy theorist in the making Mr Poulos, how sad.

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