I’ve joked for 20 years that I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body. Turns out I am just gender non-conforming.

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Conservatives and Republicans are up against Marxists street fighters, and conservatives are generally honest nice people and many of them haven't seen much sin. Some times I feel like it's old ladies and choir boys against mafioso.

Anyone who uses politically correct language or conforms to politically correct customs is facilitating their own indoctrination into "learned helplessness".

You have to be ready to be an A-Hole and for everybody to not like you. Moral courage isn't everyone patting you on the back and blowing sunshine up your *** while you do the right thing. Sometimes being nice isn't being nice, it's looking the other way to avoid confrontation.

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I have been doing this for years, actually. For a long time, I just refused to fill out those fields for race, gender, etc. But once I realized that "truth" had no meaning in the American system, I began to fill those fields with adjectives that were untrue from a strict point of view, but perfectly valid from the official, government, clown point of view. I use clown words and clown logic when I interact with the clown world, and real words and real logic when I interact with the real world. When in Rome, right?

To real people, this feels like lying, so it makes you uncomfortable at first. The key is to understand that lying is only possible in the real world when using real words and real logic. In the clown world everything is nonsense, so "lying" becomes impossible... or it becomes unavoidable, depending on how you look at it. I choose to just look at it as speaking a foreign language. I'm not lying about being a lesbian black Eskimo... that's just another way of saying "white male" in clownspeak.

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"because not doing so would hurt me."

Nonsense. If my use of traditional pronouns "hurts" you, that's a choice you made and it has nothing to do with me. Folks have used those pronouns for centuries and no one yet has claimed injury. That's evidence that there is no harm in them, were any required. Besides, what gives you the natural right to burden me with sorting out and remembering everyone's preferred pronoun? I have zero obligation to you or anyone else in that regard.

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For anyone who asks “but that will lead to decay”.

Yes we are already decaying. You can fight and stop being nice without insulting and that is the lesson for 2021.

Also beautifully written Helen!

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I would posit that there is no point being nice at all. Their "questions" are explicitly deceptive, no matter what tone of voice delivered in, and therefore are not deserving of nicety. Slap them down each and every time with the truth. If they have a right to their opinion, so do we - and ours is based on science rather than feelings. You do not have a right to "not be offended." In fact, you cannot claim that I offended you ever - because that is not possible. Only YOU can decide whether to "take offense." Since I have no control over your decisions, I take no responsibility for them either. And, if you take offense at the facts, I don't care about your feelings.

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I've been making this exact recommendation for man years.

There is no reason to identify as a white male. There is always a box for "decline to state" and every single white person should check it.

It will screw up the whole bean counting paradigm. And the beautiful thing about it is, they can't argue with you, because their own ideology says you can claim to be whatever you want. What are they going to do, a biological test? They can't! Their own ideology forbids it!

This is actually an Alinsky rule (hold the enemy up to their own standards).

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When I deal with a leftist that insists that everyone on the right lies and lives in conspiracy, I just list the tenets of the woke and ask them if they believe those things. (like men can have babies and periods too) They melt away and never respond.

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I just say, remember that wacked out left wing conspiracy theory that President Trump was a Russian asset? And you guys made those baseless assertions and allegations without evidence for what? Two years. Bought it hook line and sinker huh?

How about the time you guys accussed and innocent man (Justice Kavanaugh) of being a serial gang rapist? LOL! Remember you guys said you didn't NEED evidence?

Etc etc.

I find if you just tell them the stupid stuff they've said in the past, they don't want to own up to it.

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I'm sorry to hurt so many people's feelings but the truth is if our founders all turned the other cheek we would be British. What the means is exactly what it sounds like, some not all were Deists. Sure there's a God but you're on your own buddy, and if you want the King's boot off of your neck praying about it won't make that happen. You still have to shed the blood it takes to create freedom.

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Agree about the language. Deconstruction and postmodernism have been used to tear down the verities. Odd if they think their new verities rest on any sort of durable footing. Hence the desperate coerciveness behind woke policymaking.

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That is why Jesus, in the position of ultimate authority, is called the Word.

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Libtardia, it's like a darkness in the light.

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