Haven’t read yet, but I like two things in journalism. The first is trashing David French, the second is Helen Roy’s articles. So I will preemptively like.

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My goodness that French and his ilk are disaster. I don't even see the guy as a man, and wouldn't even acknowledge him as one if he were my neighbor. What a terrible person he is.

I don't know where they think that stuff is going.

Good stuff Helen. Your writing, as usual, is fantastic. It must be difficult writing about pathetic men like French, because it's difficult for me to read about them.

I'll say this and end here, I'm black myself and despise CRT. All their talking points about it are outright gaslighting, dishonesty and immoral. CRT is not history at all, and whites certainly are being rhetorically blood libeled without recourse. It's disgusting. It's worse that they go on to quote one of the earliest black critical race theorists in W.E.B Dubois. They cherrpick his quote out of context, because his writing are themselves packed with CRT and whitewashing of history.

I disdain race hustlers, gaslighters and weak men, especially those who enable and pacify communists, indignities and unrighteousness. Even their talk of "neutrality" is an immoral affront. I will gladly fight to the death as a black man with anyone, regardless of ethnicity, to erase, purge and eliminate these cretins out of the institutions pushing this immorality.

Good stuff Helen.

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I've often felt emotional investment in public figures, in either a positive or negative direction, is silly, but I can't stop from really, really disliking David French on a personal level. He's a paragon of exactly what a man shouldn't be. Effeminate, physically soft, eager to criticize his organic community for virtual approval from strangers, spiritually dishonest (re: his military service), and disturbingly willing to exploit his children for his own aggrandization. He's authentically despicable.

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Don't think we're allowed to edit comments, but just realized I used aggrandization, which is not a word, in place of the proper aggrandizement.

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It's in the OED.

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French and his Dispatch ilk are a counterproductive group of buffoons who set the conservative movement for abject failure.

Great article!!

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It can be logically argued that ANY preoccupation, tracking and statistical reporting on race serves only to command all parties to focus on race. Truly, if we did not track it; if we did NOT consider it worth notice...it would soon cease to be notice at all, much less identified as an actionable characteristic. We no longer think of "Irish" Americans, except as a curiosity usually meant to honor ancestors. The same is true of those with Scandinavian or Jewish backgrounds. They are Americans...ALL of them. In the last century the government made a mistake that has harmed many poor people...it paid money to those without jobs and paid it for literally a lifetime with no requirement of service or work training as a qualifier to get those funds. The result? Removing the motivation to work, to learn, to DESERVE the money received. THAT is destructive to any human being's feeling of self-worth and in the long term leaves the recipient just as angry as were slaves in both the North and South who were treated as if they didn't have the ability to succeed on their own. Want to give a grant of money? Condition it on achievement: passing grades, 90% attendance at school, completing a job training course, doing community service work. THAT make the money received EARNED, and gives the recipient self-respect and a feeling of self-worth that will lead to excellence that makes them desirable to employers. Appeasement is always doomed to failure; it destroys the giver, and the receiver's initial success also is doomed to failure as following confrontations will NOT result in appeasement, but destruction.

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Anyone who believes that the result of the Great Society, the policies of which you speak, were accidental or unforeseen is naive. These policies were written and implemented by the same people who supported Jim Crow laws and opposed the Civil Rights legislation. Lyndon Johnson was an absolute racist! These policies were designed to destroy the black community and keep them poor and dependent of those same people who had oppressed them for 2 centuries!

As I said before the Biden Administration wants to re-implement these policies with his child tax credit that will be expanded to include welfare recipients!

The Leadership of the Black community has sold their souls to the Democrat party for money! There is dark Democrat/Leftist money funneled into these activist and religious leader so they continue to advocate the Democrat/Leftist line that is was Republican who were responsible for the downfall of their communities. Which is an absolute LIE.

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Your points are well taken. My comment(s) were not intended to suggest that the errors of the past were either accidental or should not have been foreseen. My focus was on the fact(s) of what was done and how they injured ALL of the poor. Few are left alive who were the perpetrators of those errors, but clearly there are new replacements that see no error and will do nothing to correct them.

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"his latest New York Times piece"

preaching to the Marxist choir

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For decades, beginning in the early 1970's, I was a fan and subscriber to National Review. I stopped renewing my subscriptions during the OBumbler years and never looked back. David French was just one of the reasons, but there were a few others.

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Critical Theory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theory

Is a Marxist technique used to tear down the existing establishment in order to create its Marxist replacement! Now that the Left has realized that the oppressed worker theory will not work in the western economies because the oppressed worker does not exist, they have pivoted to the oppressed race! CRT is nothing but a rehashing of Marxist Critical Theory rehashed in a racial theory! It completely ignores all the progress that has been achieved in the west in regards to racial "equality under the law", and it also refuses to acknowledge that damages done, especially in the US, by policies of the Democrat party like the Great Society that devastated otherwise functioning Black Communities by implementing unconditional welfare payments. These policies destroyed the black family unit if poor communities. Black women, many of them who worked during segregation, now had no reason to marry in order to be able to live, all they needed to do was have a child and apply for welfare. If they needed more money, just have more children. Black men no longer need to marry in order to establish a home and prosperity all they needed to do was get some woman pregnant and live of their welfare check, if they needed more money, just get another woman pregnant and live of both of their welfare check.

I know this sounds really terrible but this policy was not implemented by Republicans. It was implemented by those same Democrats who segregated black people during Jim Crow! It wasn't until Republicans gained control of Congress and forced Democrat Bill Clinton did we eliminate these destructive policies. Now the Biden Administration want to bring these "Cash for Kids" policies back with the expanded Child Tax credit that they plan to also send to welfare recipients. $300.00 per child, with no limits!

I don't see any of these race hustlers exposing this. Exposing how the Democrat Party turned communities that had functioning black owned businesses, black professionals, crime rates equal to if not better than white communities, some of which had close the education gap by 1960, had an out of marriage birth rate of 12% compared to white communities 14% (now 74% in black communities) into the drug/crime filled hopeless Sh!tholes they are today!

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