I think that questions of fairness on gender and race equality are always going to be a necessary debate. However it looks like the theory and policy experiments of “liberals” idea of what constitutes fair and equal has gone off the rails into an obvious illogical insanity. The main problem has become no allowance for opposing debate so it becomes more and more distorted. Feedback loops are a thing ending in chaos. Why do “liberals” who see themselves as such highly educated, superior thinkers not recognize the incredible collateral damage of their lack of self awareness on society? They seem to be in love with themselves to a narcissistic degree and they only want to see themselves in everyone else or...else.

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This is brilliant: "The old testament was social science; the new testament is social justice." I will offer a slight edit, that they don't literaly worship "women and minorities"; they worship their own conception of them as oppressed entities.

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Back in the mid-70s, when I was but a lad, my father was even then a rare Republican professor. He had a friend who was quite radical -- back then we had friends we disagreed with -- and I asked him to tell me the biggest disagreement between them. My father said "I believe the family is the last defense against the intrusiveness of the state, and he believes that a main purpose of the state is to protect you from your family." Over the years I have looked at American politics through that prism, and it is as perfect a rule of thumb for predicting whether somebody is left or right. I think it derives from family life. I suspect that many people on the left had very difficult or abusive families growing up, and many people on the right had highly functional families. I am sure there are many exceptions on both sides, but knowing the correlation would be very interesting.

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Fantastic article, I am sharing it with everyone I know. So tired of lies, tired of self-styled 'elites' who think that we are too dumb or too cattle-like to know anything beyond eating, breading and dying.

Excellent expression of what I believe many think.

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Well said.

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Beautifully written essay. I am 51, female, have four degrees, and yes I agree with Roy’s arguments. Too many people assume that when women focus on the home and family, they do not value education. No. We absolutely value education - just not the frivolous topics that are being taught today. I make a concerted effort to shun the elite and what they value. I don’t want their poison. And honestly I think a lot of people feel the same - they just don’t know what steps to take to reclaim what has been lost.

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Helen has a third hand growing from her shoulder.

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