This article resonates in my soul!

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"“what’s the big deal?” It’s just a mask, after all. It’s not, though. It’s moral autonomy, the basis of personal excellence, and of free political life. "

Nope. It's just a mask. Unfortunately some have chosen to make it their Thermopylae in the cold civil war. I understand how people in our hair-trigger times could easily confuse the two, but even before the science (I know, I know) began to shore up mask-wearing as a simple and available method to prevent respiratory droplet emissions and the spread of this respiratory pathogen, it made sense to mask up in public.

Speaking of the Spartans, BTW, let's have a TMWYRT on the real deal--Biden's drive to re-criminalize modern sporting rifles. Μολὼν λαβέ

Timothy Wheeler, MD

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You're incorrect because in the beginning it was "just 15 days", then "just a mask" then "we're closing your business down", then "we'll arrest you and fine you into oblivion for violations".

There is no end if "just a mask" is acceptable. That's why it's not "just a mask".

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I would believe that it made sense to wear masks in public if Fauci and the CDC weren't all over the place on masks. They made it *seem* political and now we distrust their edicts.

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That's because it IS political, evidenced by the fact of how those who created the mandates actually treat the virus risk when they think the cameras are off.

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I agree. The CDC's hidden agenda on discouraging N95 mask use by the general public was unforgivable. They persist in it even today.

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