I will be writing a response to this spirited post in the near future.

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This essay shows you have the intellectualism of David French and the courage of Ben Shapiro.

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Omg I died. It's even better if you mean it. Holy shit I have not laughed that hard in years.

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Of course I mean it. David French is one of my wife's son and my greatest intellectual heroes.

And Shapiro: he has the courage to face those liberal college students down.

Thompson can stand shoulder to shoulder with these men in defending conservatism, like William F. Buckley.

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This gets things backwards. The "intellectualism" of David French and "the courage" of Ben Shapiro is what led to things like BAP and Trump and the destruction of the conservative movement. The fish rots from the head, as they say.

What Thompson is writing is an antidote to the intellectual bankruptcy of conservatives.

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Fake and gay essay

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I was radicalized by moldbug not bap but I must say the bap is far more interesting than your sanctimonious sermon. Rights are political, natural rights are a fiction for children.

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You would make a good guard in a Nazi death camp. But maybe you accept this as praise. I, however, would call for Gen. Patton.

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Patton was wise to Early Life Checks

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> George Washington announced that the policies and laws of the new nation would be “laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality

What did Washington mean by "private" morality?

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Or, better, is this the individualism that is disputed?

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This is why we need a return to Traditional Catholicism. Read the Traditional Catholic's Manifesto here: https://jamescwijck.substack.com/p/a-traditional-catholics-manifesto

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Focus your mind or get thee to a monastery.

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Hi Joey: I think you misunderstand my point. I'm defending Strauss and the Straussians.

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Lmao maybe he misunderstood because you are can’t write for shit

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