Jan 12, 2021Liked by The American Mind

well spoke

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Great article but, as usual, we are playing tactically and are not seeing whole playing field.

My career as an IT consultant takes me into many large corporate organizations. What I am seeing is a pattern of “woke” executives who fear the left more than they love the Constitution of the United States.

What happens when travel/transportation hubs decide to ban “violent” Trump/MAGA supporters? Oh that’s already happening. The denouncing of Trump/MAGA supporters by news, sports, and entertainment media? That’s been going on for awhile too.

Next? Woke executives in the energy sector shutting off power to “subversive” Trump/MAGA conservatives? How about supermarkets, retail stores, and banks rejecting Trump/MAGA “terrorists” and refusing to do business with us?

How about the same for medical services from doctors to urgent care to hospitals? Maybe all of this done under the guise of failing to take COVID vaccines. We are now living in a brave new world where hard-core authoritarian leftists hold all the levers of government. The police are woke and won’t touch BLM or Antifa from beating, terrorizing, or even eliminating the “fascist” right. Now that’s irony. Up is down. Down is up. Good is evil and evil is good.

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by The American Mind

The social credit system in China is where we are headed.

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Not this "we"

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If cake bakers and wedding photogs can be compelled like slaves to service unwanted customers, why not when woke providers refuse to serve conservatives? It's viewpoint discrimination.

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You think they care about hypocrisy... LOL

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Nope, they have same agenda as Satan - steal, kill and destroy

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Well, proving someone a hypocrite doesn't necessarily mean they are wrong. Often it's an attempt at evasion.

In this case, the accusations of hypocrisy are backwards anyway since conservatives had the exact opposite take with regards to the cake baker than they do with tech. The fact that any of them would even try taking this line is testament to how out of touch they are.

But the bigger issue is that conservatives don't actually understand the concepts and are unaware of the fact that by arguing against a company doing as it pleases they are the ones advocating censorship and property rights violations.

This was pointed out to them during the cake baker issue, where they mischaracterized an issue of free speech and property rights as a "religious rights" issue so this confusion with tech was very predictable.

In short, if Zuckerberg was a religious kook or an embryo conservatives would be arguing the exact opposite of what they're arguing, so they are both hypocrites and more importantly politically illiterate.

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I am not sure you comprehend hypocrisy, and IT'S 100% FACT YOU ARE REAL CONFUSED ABOUT "CONSERVATIVES"

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Perfect point!

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WELL SAID - Extremely Accurate!

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Flyover hobbits. I love you. But Spencer is right. Even when victimized never accept victim mentality. Quit interpreting facts with pop culture cliche. Read the great literature. Sharpen your wit.

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I LOVE this guy! 🇺🇸

Ron DeSantis for the win! — Florida to divest all state funds from Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google…(VIDEO)

Posted by Kane on January 12, 2021 4:31 pm

Citizens Free Press

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Break-up big tech.

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This is all fine and dandy but if you believe you can win without having to get your hands bloodied you are very uninformed

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Well I’m taking names Spencer. My new “representative” is now on my list of undesirables. And I won’t forget.

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Learn from Abe Lincoln, who learned quickly that Rebels only yielded to horrific responses by force.

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Awesome article. We need a leader/s for grassroots efforts. Oh, and why dont you drop Twitter?

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Whether we like it or not, Twitter and Facebook still have outsized influence over people. Vacating that space simply means forfeiting that influence completely.

Instead, the smarter move is to maintain a presence on multiple platforms while encouraging people to move away from Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.

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No one in the USA - the freedom loving and least restrictive nation via the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION - should be censored or have their GOD GIVEN LIBERTIES taken from them by any company or corporations - PUBLIC or PRIVATE. It should be a criminal charge placed against anyone who attempts to censure, muzzle or take any inalienable right from an American - WE ARE NOT SOCIALIST, MARXISTS, COMMUNISTS - WE ARE AMERICA - THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE!!!!! AMERICA 🇺🇸

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Not sure why you mentioned Kanye. That ruined an otherwise great article. You don’t need to play the Democrat multi-cultural card to get our approval. Sticking to religion and honoring God alone is more than enough. Godspeed.

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It is not a Trump revolution. It is an a ti LIBERAL revolt. And RINOs beware

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Thanks Spencer. We really do have the best people. I am still hopeful.

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Hi Spencer - Great article. Wondered if we truly know who owns Gab.com. It looks & acts so much like Twitter - I worry Gab could simply be a Twitter-ambush...kinda the final step in a long played plan to de-platform anyone on the right. Thanks. From a card-carrying conspiracy theorist. :-)

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Gab was founded by Andrew Torba and Ekrem Büyükkaya. Torba is still the CEO of Gab if you want to do your own research into him, but he seems to stand steadfastly against censorship.

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Jack as in Jackass Dorsey!

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