Today, we are announcing that American Mindset will cease producing regular content this coming Friday, August 13. But fear not—you’re not being cast into the darkness!
Content from us will continue to flow at regular intervals like you’ve become accustomed to, just at a different URL. We will be rolling American Mindset content into our parent site, The American Mind. Short essays will be released Monday through Thursday, starting next week, under the “From the Editors” tab, and episodes of Tell Me What You Really Think will be released once a week under the “Podcast” tab.
This will affect you in a couple of ways. First and foremost, instead of having to check both American Mindset and The American Mind websites separately for new content, you’ll now only have to go to one place that puts out more content. Second, your inbox will have less from us in it.
We’ve still got you covered if you like getting articles direct to your inbox. Everyone on American Mindset’s email list this Friday will automatically start receiving The American Mind’s newsletter instead. It is released less frequently, about once a week.
Readers don’t need to take any action until next week when the new content starts going up exclusively at The American Mind. We’ll remind you on Friday so you won’t forget.
Thank you all for being dedicated readers (and listeners). We’re excited to continue to increase content on our growing parent site, and hope you’ll make the move with us.
Ryan P. Williams
When I heard "ceasing content production" I got a little nervous and read on...glad to hear continued production of content and the ease of use combination with American Mind. There is alot out there but find American Mind Clairmont et al and indespensible resource.
I’ll be there!